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Configure Dynamic Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder)

Enables you to specify font, style, and size settings that you can apply at run time for report controls. The options in this dialog box are different if you are working with a field or an object such as a bitmap, a line, or a rectangle.

You can open this dialog box by selecting a condition and clicking Edit in the Dynamics tab of the Report Control Properties dialog box.

How to: Dynamically Format Report Controls

Field and Object Options

You can use the following options when you are working with either field or object controls.

  • Condition Name
    Identifies the condition for which you are setting dynamic properties. The Condition Name is read-only.

  • Apply when this condition is true
    Specifies the logical expression that determines whether the control appears at run time with your dynamic formatting options. Click the ellipsis button (...) to open the Expression Builder Dialog Box

Field Control Options

You can use the following options only if you are working with a field control.

  • Replace expression result with
    Enables you to specify an expression or user-defined function to appear in place of the field value at run time. Click the ellipsis button (...) to open the Expression Builder dialog box. You can use Replace expression result with to provide more display options. For example, UPPER(table.field) or table.field + ": IMPORTANT".

  • Font
    Displays the font name, font size, and font style that will be applied to your control when the condition expression evaluates to .T.. Click the ellipsis button to open the Font Dialog Box if you want to specify a different font.

  • Use font script
    Indicates whether you selected a script in the Font dialog box. Use font script is read-only.

  • Strikethrough
    Specifies whether the text will appear with a horizontal line through it when the condition expression evaluates to .T..

  • Underline
    Specifies whether the text will be underscored when the condition expression evaluates to .T..

  • Use default foreground (pen) color
    Indicates whether the control appears in the default pen color when the condition expression evaluates to .T.. When you clear this check box, you can then click the ellipsis (…) button to open the Color Picker dialog box.

  • Use default background (fill) color
    Indicates whether the control appears with the default fill color when the condition expression evaluates to .T.. When you clear this check box, you can then click the ellipsis button to open the Color Picker dialog box.

  • Backstyle - Opaque
    Specifies that objects appearing behind the report control are not visible.

  • Backstyle - Transparent
    Specifies that objects appearing behind the report control are visible.

  • Alpha - Pen
    Specifies how transparent the text is. A setting of 255 indicates that the text is completely opaque. A setting of 0 indicates that the text is completely transparent.

  • Alpha - Fill
    Specifies how transparent the fill area behind the text is. A setting of 255 indicates that the fill is completely opaque. A setting of 0 indicates that the fill is completely transparent.

  • Sample
    Displays the appearance of the text

Object Control Options

You can use the following options only if you are working with object properties.

  • Width expression
    Specifies the width of the object when the condition expression evaluates to .T.. The default of -1 indicates that the object will print at the width specified in the Report Builder. Width and Height expressions must evaluate to values in units of 1/960 inches.

  • Height expression
    Specifies the height of the object when the condition expression evaluates to .T.. The default of -1 indicates that the object will print at the height specified in the Report Builder.

See Also

Other Resources

Operating the Expression Builder