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The Windows Mobile CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO structure invokes the context menu command.


struct _CMInvokeCommandInfo {
  DWORD cbSize;
  DWORD fMask;
  HWND hwnd;
  LPCSTR lpVerb;
  LPCSTR lpParameters;
  LPCSTR lpDirectory;
  int nShow;
  DWORD dwHotKey;
   HANDLE hIcon;


  • cbSize
    The size of the CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO structure, in bytes.
  • fMask
    Enables the dwHotkey, hIcon, and hwnd parameters. This flag can be zero, or any combination of CMIC_MASK_* flags. For a list of the possible CMIC_MASK_* flags, see the table below.
  • hwnd
    Handle of the window to which the shortcut menu belongs. An extension can also use this handle as the owner of any message boxes or dialog boxes it displays. Set hwnd to NULL if you want to indicate that there is no owner window.
  • lpVerb
    A 32-bit value containing the command being invoked, expressed as either a string (for programmatic invocation), or a menu-identifier offset (for user invocation).

    When containing a string, the HIWORD is non-zero. In this case, lpVerb contains the address of a null-terminated string specifying the language-independent name of the command. The system provides predefined constant values for some command strings. For details, see the table below.

    When containing a menu-identifier offset, the HIWORD is zero. In this case, lpVerb contains a menu-identifier offset of the command in the LOWORD. The shell specifies this value using MAKEINTRESOURCE(idOffset). For details, see "User Interface Services" in the Windows CE .NET 4.2 documentation.

  • lpParameters
    [Optional] Any parameters associated with the command. Set lpParameters to NULL if you want to indicate that the command takes no parameters.
  • lpDirectory
    [Optional] The working directory. Set lpDirectory to NULL if you want to indicate that there is no working directory.
  • nShow
    Sets the window's show state. The show state is specified in the flag passed to the function ShowWindow. For more information about ShowWindow, see "User Interface Services" in the Windows CE .NET 4.2 documentation.
  • dwHotKey
    [Optional] Hotkey to associate with the command.
  • hIcon
    Not used.

The following table lists the possible CMIC_MASK_* flags.

Flag Description


The dwHotKey member is valid, so use an optional hotkey.


The system is prevented from displaying user interface elements while carrying out the command. An example is error messages.

The following table lists the predefined constant values that the system provides for the lpVerb command string.

Flag Description








Header shlobj.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later
Windows Mobile Pocket PC for Windows Mobile 2003 and later

See Also


Shell Structures