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Usability Guidelines


Use the following checklist to confirm that an application user interface meets basic usability requirements:

  • Dialog boxes do not contain irrelevant information because it diminishes the visibility of relevant information.
  • Information appears in a logical order in the dialog box based on the functionality provided. The information is communicated using words and concepts that are familiar to a user. Consider the following to keep the user interface simple and focused:
    • Place commands for critical features in a prominent area such as a menu.
    • Place advanced and less-frequently used commands in a less prominent area such as a submenu or settings dialog.
    • Avoid placing commands redundantly, with the exception of shortcut menu commands on Windows Mobile Professional and Windows Mobile Classic.
  • Instructions for using an application are visible or easily accessible whenever appropriate. Avoid complicated instructions.
  • When appropriate, the same user action is consistently used to complete the same application operation.
  • Consistency is applied to the visual presentation of information, placement of user interface elements, and format, capitalization, and punctuation of user interface text.
    Avoid visual noise in the user interface because it distracts users from completing tasks. Visual noise is created by misaligned controls or redundant borders of neighboring controls.
  • Appropriate feedback is provided to a user within a reasonable time.
  • Shortcuts for experienced users are provided for completing tasks.
  • Error messages are provided that concisely explain a problem and contain meaningful suggestions for resolving the problem. For more information, see Error and Informational Message Guidelines.
  • Whenever possible, the application design prevents errors from occurring.

See Also


Error and Informational Message Guidelines