Compiler Error C3867
Error Message
'func': function call missing argument list; use '&func' to create a pointer to member
You tried to take the address of a member function without qualifying the member function with its class name and the address-of operator.
This error can also be generated as a result of compiler conformance work that was done for Visual C++ 2005: enhanced pointer-to-member conformance. Code that compiled prior to Visual C++ 2005 will now generate C3867. See Breaking Changes in the Visual C++ 2005 Compiler for more information.
In Visual C++ 2005, C3867 can be issued from the compiler with a misleading suggested resolution. Whenever possible, use the most derived class.
The following sample generates C3867.
// C3867_1.cpp
// compile with: /c
struct Base {
void Test() {}
class Derived : public Base {
virtual void Bar();
void Derived::Bar() {
void (Base::*p1)() = Test; // C3867
&Derived::Test; // OK
The following sample generates C3867.
// C3867_2.cpp
struct S {
char *func() {
return "message";
class X {
void f() {}
int main() {
X::f; // C3867
// OK
X * myX = new X;
S s;
printf_s("test %s", s.func); // C3867
printf_s("test %s", s.func()); // OK
The following sample generates C3867.
// C3867_3.cpp
class X {
void mf(){}
int main() {
void (X::*pmf)() = X::mf; // C3867
// try the following line instead
void (X::*pmf2)() = &X::mf;
The following sample generates C3867.
// C3867_4.cpp
// compile with: /c
class A {
void f(int) {}
typedef void (A::*TAmtd)(int);
struct B {
TAmtd p;
void g() {
B b1;
b1.p = f; // C3867
The following sample generates C3867.
// C3867_5.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
class Testpm {
void m_func1() {
std::cout << m_num << "\tm_func1\n";
int m_num;
typedef void (Testpm::*pmfn1)();
void func(Testpm* p);
void Testpm::func(Testpm* p) {
pmfn1 s = m_func1; // C3867
pmfn1 s2 = &Testpm::m_func1; // OK
int main() {
Testpm *pTestpm = new Testpm;
pTestpm->m_num = 10;