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Project collections

TFS 2017 | TFS 2015 | TFS 2013


Looking for REST APIS that support TFS 2018 or later versions? See the Azure DevOps REST API Reference.

api-version = 1.0-preview.2

This API in preview. Learn more

Project collections contain projects that have source code, work items, and other resources.

If you haven't already, look at the information on getting started with these APIs.

Get a project collection

GET https://{instance}/_apis/projectcollections/{collection}?api-version={version}
Parameter Type Notes
instance string TFS server name ({server:port}).
collection string Name or ID of the project collection.
api-version string Version of the API to use.

Sample request

GET https://mytfsserver/DefaultCollection/_apis/projectCollections/d81542e4-cdfa-4333-b082-1ae2d6c3ad16?api-version=1.0-preview.2

Sample response

  "id": "d81542e4-cdfa-4333-b082-1ae2d6c3ad16",
  "name": "DefaultCollection",
  "url": "https://mytfsserver/DefaultCollection/_apis/projectCollections/d81542e4-cdfa-4333-b082-1ae2d6c3ad16",
  "state": "Started",
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "https://mytfsserver/DefaultCollection/_apis/projectCollections/d81542e4-cdfa-4333-b082-1ae2d6c3ad16"
    "web": {
      "href": "https://mytfsserver/DefaultCollection"

Sample code