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Configuring a Web Server to use SSL

A version of this page is also available for

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


You can configure your Web Server to authenticate SSL (HTTPS) connections from clients to the server. To enable authentication through SSL, you need to install a certificate (.cer file) and a private key (.pvk file) on your Web Server device. Because Windows Mobile does not support requesting a certificate from a Windows Mobile Web browser, you need to request the certificate on a desktop computer that uses a Windows XP-based browser.

The instructions in this topic apply to non-headless design templates, such as the Enterprise Web Pad. Microsoft does not provide an end-to-end mechanism for importing certificates onto headless Windows Mobile devices. To import a certificate onto a headless device, you can use the Enroll.exe tool. You can also use a Web Server or FTP server to upload a certificate onto your device, and then write an application that calls the appropriate Certificates Functions. For more information, see Certificates Application Development.

To configure your Web Server to use SSL

  1. On a desktop computer that uses a Windows XP-based browser, request a certificate. When you request the certificate, make sure to select a server authentication certificate.

  2. On your development workstation, copy the .cer and .pvk files to the release directory of the OS design for your Web Server. Rebuild the run-time image for your Web Server.

  3. Configure a remote connection from the development workstation to the device.

  4. Download the image to the device.

  5. If you have used a non-headless design template, such as an Enterprise Web Pad, on your target device go to Control Panel, and choose Certificates.

  6. To import the certificate and the corresponding private key, choose the Import button.


    You must install the .cer file before you install the .pvk file to enable the private key to be associated with the certificate.

See Also


SSL Support
Web Server Authentication and Permissions
Web Server Security