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Imports System
Imports System.Data

Namespace DotNetDataProviderTemplate

  Public Class TemplateConnection
          Implements IDbConnection

    Private m_state As ConnectionState
    Private m_sConnString As String

    ' Use the "SampleDb" class to simulate a database connection.
    Private m_sampleDb As SampleDb

    ' Always have a default constructor.
          Public Sub New()
          End Sub
    ' Have a constructor that takes a connection string.
          Public Sub New(ByVal sConnString As String)
                Me.ConnectionString = sConnString
          End Sub

    Private Sub InitClass()
      m_state = ConnectionState.Closed

      '* Obtain a connection to the database. In this case,
      '* use the SampleDb class to simulate a connection to 
      '* a real database.
      m_sampleDb = New SampleDb
    End Sub 

    Public Property ConnectionString As String Implements IDbConnection.ConnectionString
        ' Always return exactly what the user set.
        ' Security-sensitive information may be removed.
        Return m_sConnString
      End Get
        m_sConnString = value
      End Set
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionTimeout As Integer Implements IDbConnection.ConnectionTimeout
        ' Returns the connection time-out value set in the connection
        ' string. Zero indicates an indefinite time-out period.
        Return 0
      End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Database As String Implements IDbConnection.Database
        ' Returns an initial database as set in the connection string.
        ' An empty string indicates not set - do not return a null reference.
        Return ""
      End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property State As ConnectionState Implements IDbConnection.State
        Return m_state
      End Get
    End Property


    Public Overloads Function BeginTransaction() As IDbTransaction Implements IDbConnection.BeginTransaction
      throw new NotSupportedException()
    End Function

    Public Overloads Function BeginTransaction(level As IsolationLevel) As IDbTransaction Implements IDbConnection.BeginTransaction
      throw new NotSupportedException()
    End Function

    Public Sub ChangeDatabase(dbName As String) Implements IDbConnection.ChangeDatabase
      ' Change the database setting on the back-end. Note that it is a method
      ' and not a property because the operation requires an expensive
      ' round trip.
    End Sub

    Public Sub Open() Implements IDbConnection.Open
      '* Open the database connection and set the ConnectionState
      '* property. If the underlying connection to the server is 
      '* expensive to obtain, the implementation should provide
      '* implicit pooling of that connection.
      '* If the provider also supports automatic enlistment in 
      '* distributed transactions, it should enlist during Open().
      m_state = ConnectionState.Open
    End Sub

    Public Sub Close() Implements IDbConnection.Close
      '* Close the database connection and set the ConnectionState
      '* property. If the underlying connection to the server is
      '* being pooled, Close() will release it back to the pool.
      m_state = ConnectionState.Closed
    End Sub

    Public Function CreateCommand() As IDbCommand Implements IDbConnection.CreateCommand
      ' Return a new instance of a command object.
      Return New TemplateCommand()
    End Function

    '* Implementation specific properties / methods.
    Friend ReadOnly Property SampleDb As SampleDb
        Return m_sampleDb
      End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
    End Sub

    Private Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
      ' Dispose of the object and perform any cleanup.

      If m_state = ConnectionState.Open Then Me.Close()
    End Sub

  End Class
End Namespace