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using System;
using System.Data;

namespace DotNetDataProviderTemplate
  public class TemplateConnection : IDbConnection
    private ConnectionState m_state;
    private string      m_sConnString;

    // Use the "SampleDb" class to simulate a database connection.
    SampleDb m_sampleDb;

    // Always have a default constructor.
    public TemplateConnection()
      // Initialize the connection object into the closed state.
      m_state = ConnectionState.Closed;

       * Obtain a connection to the database. In this case,
       * use the SampleDb class to simulate a connection to 
       * a real database.
      m_sampleDb = new SampleDb();
    // Have a constructor that takes a connection string.
    public TemplateConnection(string sConnString)
      // Initialize the connection object into a closed state.
      m_state = ConnectionState.Closed;

    public string ConnectionString
        // Always return exactly what the user set.
        // Security-sensitive information may be removed.
        return m_sConnString;
        m_sConnString = value;

    public int ConnectionTimeout
        // Returns the connection time-out value set in the connection
        // string. Zero indicates an indefinite time-out period.
        return 0;

    public string Database
        // Returns an initial database as set in the connection string.
        // An empty string indicates not set - do not return a null reference.
        return "";

    public ConnectionState State
      get { return m_state; }


    public IDbTransaction BeginTransaction()
      throw new NotSupportedException();

    public IDbTransaction BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel level)
      throw new NotSupportedException();

    public void ChangeDatabase(string dbName)
       * Change the database setting on the back-end. Note that it is a method
       * and not a property because the operation requires an expensive
       * round trip.

    public void Open()
       * Open the database connection and set the ConnectionState
       * property. If the underlying connection to the server is 
       * expensive to obtain, the implementation should provide
       * implicit pooling of that connection.
       * If the provider also supports automatic enlistment in 
       * distributed transactions, it should enlist during Open().
      m_state = ConnectionState.Open;

    public void Close()
       * Close the database connection and set the ConnectionState
       * property. If the underlying connection to the server is
       * being pooled, Close() will release it back to the pool.
      m_state = ConnectionState.Closed;

    public IDbCommand CreateCommand()
      // Return a new instance of a command object.
      return new TemplateCommand();

     * Implementation specific properties / methods.
    internal SampleDb SampleDb
      get { return m_sampleDb; }

    void IDisposable.Dispose() 

    private void Dispose(bool disposing) 
       * Dispose of the object and perform any cleanup.

      if (m_state == ConnectionState.Open)
