Standard Numeric Format Strings Output Examples
The following table illustrates the output created by applying some standard numeric format strings to specific data types and values. Output was produced using the ToString method.
The Format column indicates the format string, the Culture column indicates the culture under which the value was formatted, the Data type column indicates the data type used, the Value column indicates the value of the number being formatted, and the Output column indicates the result of formatting.
Format | Culture | Data type | Value | Output |
C | en-US | Double | 12345.6789 | $12,345.68 |
C | de-DE | Double | 12345.678 | 12.345,68 DM |
D | en-US | Int32 | 12345 | 12345 |
D8 | en-US | Int32 | 12345 | 00012345 |
E | en-US | Double | 12345.6789 | 1.234568E+004 |
E10 | en-US | Double | 12345.6789 | 1.2345678900E+004 |
E | fr-FR | Double | 12345.6789 | 1,234568E+004 |
e4 | en-US | Double | 12345.6789 | 1.2346e+004 |
F | en-US | Double | 12345.6789 | 12345.68 |
F | es-ES | Double | 12345.6789 | 12345,68 |
F0 | en-US | Double | 12345.6789 | 123456 |
F6 | en-US | Double | 12345.6789 | 12345.678900 |
G | en-US | Double | 12345.6789 | 12345.6789 |
G7 | en-US | Double | 12345.6789 | 12345.68 |
G | en-US | Double | 0.0000023 | 2.3E-6 |
G | en-US | Double | 0.0023 | 0.0023 |
G2 | en-US | Double | 1234 | 1.2E3 |
G | en-US | Double | Math.PI | 3.14159265358979 |
N | en-US | Double | 12345.6789 | 12,345.68 |
N | sv-SE | Double | 12345.6789 | 12 345,68 |
N4 | en-US | Double | 123456789 | 123,456,789.0000 |
P | en-US | Double | .126 | 12.60 % |
r | en-US | Double | Math.PI | 3.141592653589793 |
x | en-US | Int32 | 0x2c45e | 2c45e |
X | en-US | Int32 | 0x2c45e | 2C45E |
X8 | en-US | Int32 | 0x2c45e | 0002C45E |
x | en-US | Int32 | 123456789 | 75bcd15 |
See Also
Standard Numeric Format Strings | Custom Numeric Format Strings