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Compiling and Running the Basic Application

To use the command-line tools that ship with the .NET Framework SDK to compile the basic remoting application built in the topics Building a Remotable Type, Building a Host Application, and Building a Client Application, save all files in a directory called Listener, using the names specified in those topics. At the command prompt in the Listener directory, type the following commands:

[Visual Basic]

vbc /t:library RemotableType.vb

vbc /r:RemotableType.dll Listener.vb

vbc /r:RemotableType.dll Client.vb


csc /noconfig /t:library RemotableType.cs

csc /noconfig /r:RemotableType.dll Listener.cs

csc /noconfig /r:RemotableType.dll Client.cs

To run the application

  1. Create a subdirectory called Client.

  2. Copy the RemotableType.dll, Client.exe, and Client.exe.config files to the Client directory.

  3. At the command prompt in the Listener directory, type:


  4. When the Listener application is running, open a new command prompt in the Client directory and type:


Changing the Channel

Because the Listener.exe.config and Client.exe.config files contain all the configuration information necessary to make a remote connection, you can change the channel without recompiling your application merely by changing the channel specified in the configuration file.

To change the channel to a TcpChannel object, which uses binary serialization by default, you merely change the <wellknown> element in the Client.exe.config file to the following:

   type="RemotableType, RemotableType"

You must also change the <channel> element in the Listener.exe.config file to the following:

<channel ref="tcp" port="8989"/>

Rerun the application according to the preceding execution instructions. You do not need to recompile the application.

See Also

Building a Basic .NET Remoting Application