Factoid Class
Factoid Class |
This class contains the pre-defined factoid identifiers.
Visual Basic .NET NotInheritable Public Class Factoid
Inherits ObjectC# public sealed class Factoid : Object Managed C++ public __gc __sealed class Factoid : public Object
Members Table
The following table lists the members exposed by the object.
Field Description Bopomofo
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a Bopomofo context to the recognizer. ChineseSimpleCommon
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a context of commonly used Simplified Chinese characters to a recognizer. ChineseTraditionalCommon
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a context of commonly used Traditional Chinese characters to a recognizer. Currency
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a context of currency to a recognizer. Date
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a date context to a recognizer. Default
The Default setting for factoids for western languages includes the system dictionary, user dictionary, various punctuations, and the Web and Number factoids. The Default setting for factoids for East Asian languages includes all characters supported by the recognizer. Digit
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a digit context to a recognizer. A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing an e-mail context to a recognizer. Filename
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a file name context to a recognizer. HangulCommon
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a context of commonly used Hangul characters to a recognizer. HangulRare
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a context of rarely used Hangul characters to a recognizer. Hiragana
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a context of Hiragana characters to a recognizer. Jamo
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a context of Hangul compatibility Jamo characters to a recognizer. JapaneseCommon
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a context of commonly used Kanji, Katakana, and Hiragana characters to a recognizer. KanjiCommon
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a context of commonly used Kanji characters to a recognizer. KanjiRare
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a context of rarely used Kanji characters to a recognizer. Katakana
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a context of Katakana characters to a recognizer. KoreanCommon
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a context of commonly used Korean characters to a recognizer. LowerChar
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a lowercase character context to a recognizer. This factoid is currently not supported. None
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by not using any recognizer context. Number
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a numeric context to a recognizer. NumberSimple
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a simple numeric context to a recognizer. OneChar
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a single character context to a recognizer. Percent
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a percent context to a recognizer. PostalCode
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a postal code context to a recognizer. PuncChar
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a punctuation context to a recognizer. SystemDictionary
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by only using the system dictionary. Telephone
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a telephone number context to a recognizer. Time
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a time context to a recognizer. UpperChar
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing an uppercase character context to a recognizer. Web
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by providing a web address context to a recognizer. WordList
A constant string value that is used to increase recognition accuracy by having the recognizer use a programmatically-defined list of words. The list of words is defined by the WordList property of a RecognizerContext object. Methods
Method Description Equals Determines whether two Object instances are equal. Inherited from Object
Factoid Initializes a new instance of the Factoid class. Finalize Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object
is reclaimed by garbage collection. Inherited from Object
GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. Inherited from Object .
GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object
MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object . Inherited from Object
Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object
ToString Returns a String that represents the current Object
. Inherited from Object
Inheritance Hierarchy
Note: For Western recognizers, the factoids defined in this class are provided for backward compatibility only. For new development, you are encouraged to use the values defined in the InputScope enumeration. For details, see Improving Tablet PC Recognition Accuracy by Setting Context.
Use these identifiers to specify which factoid should be used during recognition.
The following combinations of factoids are supported for western languages only. These do not have separate definitions, but are acceptable string literal inputs to the Factoid property of objects that use factoids. These factoid string constants allow the input to match any of the factoids in the expression.
Combination Definition "WEB|WORDLIST" The Web factoid or the word list. "EMAIL|WORDLIST" The Email factoid or the word list. "FILENAME|WEB|WORDLIST"> The Filename factoid or the Web factoid or the word list. If you are using the InkEdit control, the factoid can be set as a property of the control as in this Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET example:
InkEdit1.Factoid = Factoid.Hiragana
If you are using the Tablet PC Platform APIs, you can set the Factoid property on a RecognizerContext object, as in this C# example:
theRecognizerContext.Factoid = Factoid.PostalCode;
Alternatively, you can set this property with the actual factoid string constant:
theRecognizerContext.Factoid = "POSTALCODE";
Note: Factoid string constants are case sensitive. For more information about factoids and how to use them, see Improving Tablet PC Recognition Accuracy by Setting Context. To determine whether a factoid is available in a specific language, see Supported Factoids from Version 1.
Class Information
Namespace Microsoft.Ink Assembly Microsoft.Ink (microsoft.ink.dll) Strong Name Microsoft.Ink, Version=1.7.4009.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a2870d9cc4d021c8
See Also