Un tipo che prevede il tipo di carattere di ostreambuf_iterator.
typedef CharType char_type;
Il tipo è sinonimo del parametro di template CharType.
// istreambuf_iterator_char_type.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
int main( )
using namespace std;
typedef istreambuf_iterator<char>::char_type CHT1;
typedef istreambuf_iterator<char>::traits_type CHTR1;
cout << "(Try the example: 'So many dots to be done'\n"
<< " then an Enter key to insert into the output,\n"
<< " & use a ctrl-Z Enter key combination to exit): ";
// istreambuf_iterator for input stream
istreambuf_iterator< CHT1, CHTR1> charInBuf ( cin );
ostreambuf_iterator<char> charOut ( cout );
// Used in conjunction with replace_copy algorithm
// to insert into output stream and replace spaces
// with dot-separators
replace_copy ( charInBuf , istreambuf_iterator<char>( ),
charOut , ' ' , '.' );
Consentire a diversi elementi da essere doneSo
Intestazione: <iteratore>
Spazio dei nomi: std