Gli argomenti di questa sezione documentano i cmdlet di Azure PowerShell per Microsoft Azure HDInsight nel framework di Azure Resource Manager (ARM). Questi cmdlet vengono usati per gestire i cluster HDInsight e i processi in esecuzione su di essi. I cmdlet esistono nello spazio dei nomi Microsoft.Azure.Commands.HDInsight.
Az.HDInsight non viene più gestito prima della versione 5.0.0. È consigliabile eseguire l'aggiornamento ad almeno la versione 5.0.0.
Add-AzHDInsightClusterIdentity |
Adds a cluster identity to a cluster configuration object. |
Add-AzHDInsightComponentVersion |
Adds a version for a service running in a cluster to a cluster configuration object. |
Add-AzHDInsightConfigValue |
Adds a Hadoop configuration value customization and/or a Hive shared library customization to a cluster configuration object. |
Add-AzHDInsightMetastore |
Adds a SQL Database to serve as a Hive or Oozie metastore to a cluster configuration object. |
Add-AzHDInsightScriptAction |
Adds a script action to a cluster configuration object. |
Add-AzHDInsightSecurityProfile |
Adds a security profile to a cluster configuration object. |
Add-AzHDInsightStorage |
Adds an Azure Storage key to a cluster configuration object. |
Disable-AzHDInsightAzureMonitor |
Disables Azure Monitor in a specified HDInsight cluster. |
Disable-AzHDInsightAzureMonitorAgent |
Disables Azure Monitor Agent in a specified HDInsight cluster. |
Disable-AzHDInsightMonitoring |
Disables the Classic Azure Monitor logs integration on an HDInsight cluster and relevant logs will stop flowing to the monitoring workspace specified during enable. |
Enable-AzHDInsightAzureMonitor |
Enables Azure Monitor in a specified HDInsight cluster. |
Enable-AzHDInsightAzureMonitorAgent |
Enables Azure Monitor Agent in a specified HDInsight cluster. |
Enable-AzHDInsightMonitoring |
Enables the Classic Azure Monitor logs integration on an HDInsight cluster and relevant logs will be sent to the monitoring workspace specified during enable. |
Get-AzHDInsightAzureMonitor |
Gets the azure monitor status of a specified HDInsight cluster. |
Get-AzHDInsightAzureMonitorAgent |
Gets the azure monitor agent status of a specified HDInsight cluster. |
Get-AzHDInsightCluster |
Gets and lists all of the Azure HDInsight clusters associated with the current subscription or a specified resource group, or retrieves a specific cluster. |
Get-AzHDInsightClusterAutoscaleConfiguration |
Gets the autoscale configuration of HDInsight cluster. |
Get-AzHDInsightHost |
Lists the hosts of the HDInsight cluster. |
Get-AzHDInsightJob |
Gets the list of jobs from a cluster and lists them in reverse chronological order, or retrieves a specific job. |
Get-AzHDInsightJobOutput |
Gets the log output for a job from the storage account associated with a specified cluster. |
Get-AzHDInsightMonitoring |
Gets the status of the Classic Azure Monitor logs integration on an HDInsight cluster. |
Get-AzHDInsightPersistedScriptAction |
Gets the persisted script actions for a cluster and lists them in chronological order, or gets details for a specified persisted script action. |
Get-AzHDInsightProperty |
Gets properties about the HDInsight service, such as available locations and capacity. |
Get-AzHDInsightScriptActionHistory |
Gets the script action history for a cluster and lists it in reverse chronological order, or gets details of a previously executed script action. |
Invoke-AzHDInsightHiveJob |
Submits a Hive query to an HDInsight cluster and retrieves query results in one operation. |
New-AzHDInsightCluster |
Creates an Azure HDInsight cluster in the specified resource group for the current subscription. |
New-AzHDInsightClusterAutoscaleConfiguration |
Creates a non-persisted object that describes the autoscale configuration of an Azure HDInsight cluster. |
New-AzHDInsightClusterAutoscaleScheduleCondition |
Creates Schedule-based autoscale condition. |
New-AzHDInsightClusterConfig |
Creates a non-persisted cluster configuration object that describes an Azure HDInsight cluster configuration. |
New-AzHDInsightHiveJobDefinition |
Creates a Hive job object. |
New-AzHDInsightIPConfiguration |
Creates the IP configuration of private link configuration. |
New-AzHDInsightMapReduceJobDefinition |
Creates a MapReduce job object. |
New-AzHDInsightPigJobDefinition |
Creates a Pig job object. |
New-AzHDInsightPrivateLinkConfiguration |
Creates the private link configuration of the HDInsight cluster. |
New-AzHDInsightSqoopJobDefinition |
Creates a Sqoop job object. |
New-AzHDInsightStreamingMapReduceJobDefinition |
Creates a Streaming MapReduce job object. |
Remove-AzHDInsightCluster |
Removes the specified HDInsight cluster from the current subscription. |
Remove-AzHDInsightClusterAutoscaleConfiguration |
Removes the autoscale configuration of the HDInsight cluster. |
Remove-AzHDInsightPersistedScriptAction |
Removes an persisted script action from an HDInsight cluster. |
Restart-AzHDInsightHost |
Restarts the specific hosts of HDInsight cluster. |
Set-AzHDInsightClusterAutoscaleConfiguration |
Sets the autoscale configuration of an Azure HDInsight cluster. |
Set-AzHDInsightClusterDiskEncryptionKey |
Rotates the disk encryption key of the specified HDInsight cluster. |
Set-AzHDInsightClusterSize |
Sets the number of Worker nodes in a specified cluster. |
Set-AzHDInsightDefaultStorage |
Sets the default Storage account setting in a cluster configuration object. |
Set-AzHDInsightGatewayCredential |
Sets the gateway HTTP credentials of an Azure HDInsight cluster. |
Set-AzHDInsightPersistedScriptAction |
Sets a previously executed script action to be a persisted script action. |
Start-AzHDInsightJob |
Starts a defined Azure HDInsight job on a specified cluster. |
Stop-AzHDInsightJob |
Stops a specified running job on a cluster. |
Submit-AzHDInsightScriptAction |
Submits a new script action to an Azure HDInsight cluster. |
Update-AzHDInsightCluster |
Update tags or managed identities for a HDInsight cluster. |
Use-AzHDInsightCluster |
Selects a cluster to be used with the Invoke-RmAzureHDInsightHiveJob cmdlet. |
Wait-AzHDInsightJob |
Waits for the completion or failure of a specified job. |