Microsoft Azure PowerShell: cmdlet di DevCenter
Connect-AzDevCenterAdminCatalog |
Connects a catalog to enable syncing. |
Connect-AzDevCenterAdminProjectCatalog |
Connects a project catalog to enable syncing. |
Deploy-AzDevCenterUserEnvironment |
Creates or updates an environment. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminAttachedNetwork |
Gets an attached NetworkConnection. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminCatalog |
Gets a catalog |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminCatalogSyncErrorDetail |
Gets catalog synchronization error details |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminCustomizationTask |
Gets a Task from the catalog |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminCustomizationTaskErrorDetail |
Gets Customization Task error details |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminDevBoxDefinition |
Gets a Dev Box definition |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminDevCenter |
Gets a devcenter. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminEnvironmentDefinition |
Gets an environment definition from the catalog. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminEnvironmentDefinitionErrorDetail |
Gets Environment Definition error details |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminEnvironmentType |
Gets an environment type. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminGallery |
Gets a gallery |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminImage |
Gets a gallery image. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminImageVersion |
Gets an image version. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminNetworkConnection |
Gets a network connection resource |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminNetworkConnectionHealthDetail |
Gets health check status details. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminNetworkConnectionOutboundNetworkDependencyEndpoint |
Lists the endpoints that agents may call as part of Dev Box service administration. These FQDNs should be allowed for outbound access in order for the Dev Box service to function. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminOperationStatus |
Gets the current status of an async operation. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminPlan |
Gets a devcenter plan. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminPlanMember |
Gets a devcenter plan member. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminPool |
Gets a machine pool |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminProject |
Gets a specific project. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminProjectAllowedEnvironmentType |
Gets an allowed environment type. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminProjectCatalog |
Gets an associated project catalog. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminProjectCatalogSyncErrorDetail |
Gets project catalog synchronization error details |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminProjectEnvironmentDefinition |
Gets an environment definition from the catalog. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminProjectEnvironmentDefinitionErrorDetail |
Gets Environment Definition error details |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminProjectEnvironmentType |
Gets a project environment type. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminProjectInheritedSetting |
Gets applicable inherited settings for this project. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminSchedule |
Gets a schedule resource. |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminSku |
Lists the Microsoft.DevCenter SKUs available in a subscription |
Get-AzDevCenterAdminUsage |
Lists the current usages and limits in this location for the provided subscription. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserCatalog |
Gets the specified catalog within the project. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserDevBox |
Gets a Dev Box. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserDevBoxAction |
Gets an action. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserDevBoxCustomizationGroup |
Gets a customization group. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserDevBoxCustomizationTaskDefinition |
Gets a customization task. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserDevBoxCustomizationTaskLog |
Gets the log for a customization task. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserDevBoxOperation |
Gets an operation on a Dev Box. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserDevBoxRemoteConnection |
Gets RDP Connection info. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserEnvironment |
Gets an environment. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserEnvironmentAction |
Retrieve a specific environment action. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserEnvironmentDefinition |
Get an environment definition from a catalog. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserEnvironmentLog |
Gets the logs for an operation on an environment. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserEnvironmentOperation |
Gets an environment action result. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserEnvironmentOutput |
Gets Outputs from the environment. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserEnvironmentType |
Get an environment type configured for a project. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserPool |
Gets a pool. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserProject |
Gets a project. |
Get-AzDevCenterUserSchedule |
Gets a schedule. |
Invoke-AzDevCenterAdminExecuteCheckNameAvailability |
Check the availability of name for resource |
Invoke-AzDevCenterAdminExecuteCheckScopedNameAvailability |
Check the availability of name for resource |
Invoke-AzDevCenterUserDelayDevBoxAction |
Delays the occurrence of an action. |
Invoke-AzDevCenterUserDelayEnvironmentAction |
Delays the occurrence of an action. |
New-AzDevCenterAdminAttachedNetwork |
Creates or updates an attached NetworkConnection. |
New-AzDevCenterAdminCatalog |
Creates or updates a catalog. |
New-AzDevCenterAdminDevBoxDefinition |
Creates or updates a Dev Box definition. |
New-AzDevCenterAdminDevCenter |
Creates or updates a devcenter resource |
New-AzDevCenterAdminEnvironmentType |
Creates or updates an environment type. |
New-AzDevCenterAdminGallery |
Creates or updates a gallery. |
New-AzDevCenterAdminNetworkConnection |
Creates or updates a Network Connections resource |
New-AzDevCenterAdminPlan |
Creates or updates a devcenter plan resource |
New-AzDevCenterAdminPlanMember |
Creates or updates a devcenter plan member resource |
New-AzDevCenterAdminPool |
Creates or updates a machine pool |
New-AzDevCenterAdminProject |
Creates or updates a project. |
New-AzDevCenterAdminProjectCatalog |
Creates or updates a project catalog. |
New-AzDevCenterAdminProjectEnvironmentType |
Creates or updates a project environment type. |
New-AzDevCenterAdminSchedule |
Creates or updates a Schedule. |
New-AzDevCenterUserDevBox |
Creates or replaces a Dev Box. |
New-AzDevCenterUserDevBoxCustomizationGroup |
Applies customizations to the Dev Box. |
New-AzDevCenterUserEnvironment |
Creates or updates an environment. |
Remove-AzDevCenterAdminAttachedNetwork |
Un-attach a NetworkConnection. |
Remove-AzDevCenterAdminCatalog |
Deletes a catalog resource. |
Remove-AzDevCenterAdminDevBoxDefinition |
Deletes a Dev Box definition |
Remove-AzDevCenterAdminDevCenter |
Deletes a devcenter |
Remove-AzDevCenterAdminEnvironmentType |
Deletes an environment type. |
Remove-AzDevCenterAdminGallery |
Deletes a gallery resource. |
Remove-AzDevCenterAdminNetworkConnection |
Deletes a Network Connections resource |
Remove-AzDevCenterAdminPlan |
Deletes a devcenter plan |
Remove-AzDevCenterAdminPlanMember |
Deletes a devcenter plan member |
Remove-AzDevCenterAdminPool |
Deletes a machine pool |
Remove-AzDevCenterAdminProject |
Deletes a project resource. |
Remove-AzDevCenterAdminProjectCatalog |
Deletes a project catalog resource. |
Remove-AzDevCenterAdminProjectEnvironmentType |
Deletes a project environment type. |
Remove-AzDevCenterAdminSchedule |
Deletes a Scheduled. |
Remove-AzDevCenterUserDevBox |
Deletes a Dev Box. |
Remove-AzDevCenterUserEnvironment |
Deletes an environment and all its associated resources |
Repair-AzDevCenterUserDevBox |
Attempts automated repair steps to resolve common problems on a Dev Box. The Dev Box may restart during this operation. |
Restart-AzDevCenterUserDevBox |
Restarts a Dev Box. |
Skip-AzDevCenterUserDevBoxAction |
Skips an occurrence of an action. |
Skip-AzDevCenterUserEnvironmentAction |
Skips an occurrence of an action. |
Start-AzDevCenterAdminNetworkConnectionHealthCheck |
Triggers a new health check run. The execution and health check result can be tracked via the network Connection health check details |
Start-AzDevCenterAdminPoolHealthCheck |
Triggers a refresh of the pool status. |
Start-AzDevCenterUserDevBox |
Starts a Dev Box. |
Stop-AzDevCenterUserDevBox |
Stops a Dev Box. |
Sync-AzDevCenterAdminCatalog |
Syncs templates for a template source. |
Sync-AzDevCenterAdminProjectCatalog |
Syncs templates for a template source. |
Test-AzDevCenterUserDevBoxCustomizationTaskAction |
Validates a list of customization tasks. |
Update-AzDevCenterAdminCatalog |
Partially updates a catalog. |
Update-AzDevCenterAdminDevBoxDefinition |
Partially updates a Dev Box definition. |
Update-AzDevCenterAdminDevCenter |
Partially updates a devcenter. |
Update-AzDevCenterAdminEnvironmentType |
Partially updates an environment type. |
Update-AzDevCenterAdminNetworkConnection |
Partially updates a Network Connection |
Update-AzDevCenterAdminPlan |
Partially updates a devcenter plan. |
Update-AzDevCenterAdminPlanMember |
Partially updates a devcenter plan. |
Update-AzDevCenterAdminPool |
Partially updates a machine pool |
Update-AzDevCenterAdminProject |
Partially updates a project. |
Update-AzDevCenterAdminProjectCatalog |
Partially updates a project catalog. |
Update-AzDevCenterAdminProjectEnvironmentType |
Partially updates a project environment type. |
Update-AzDevCenterAdminSchedule |
Partially updates a Scheduled. |
Update-AzDevCenterUserEnvironment |
Partially updates an environment. |