Questa pagina visualizza i collegamenti della Guida per i cmdlet che amministrano il servizio di protezione da Azure Information Protection.
Questo modulo sostituisce il modulo precedente , AADRM. Il supporto per il modulo AADRM è terminato il 15 luglio 2020. Eseguire l'aggiornamento alla versione più recente per assicurarsi che il modulo AIPService sia conforme alle prossime imposizione di TLS 1.2.
Questi cmdlet di PowerShell consentono di amministrare Azure Information Protection dalla riga di comando. Sebbene questo metodo di amministrazione consenta l'automazione, supporta anche processi affidabili e ripetuti per ridurre i sovraccarichi amministrativi. Inoltre, le configurazioni avanzate e alcune operazioni richiedono questo modulo di PowerShell.
Per altre informazioni su quando è necessario usare i cmdlet di PowerShell e per visualizzare i raggruppamenti di cmdlet per attività di amministrazione, vedere Amministrazione del servizio protezione da Azure Information Protection tramite PowerShell.
Versione corrente: La versione corrente di questo modulo è
Per controllare la versione installata, eseguire:
(Get-Module AIPService -ListAvailable).Version
se questo comando o qualsiasi cmdlet di questo modulo non riesce, eseguire prima Import-Module AIPService..dll file: Il file di .dll per questo modulo è AIPService.dll.
Prerequisiti: per un elenco dei prerequisiti per l'installazione di questo modulo, vedere Installazione del modulo PowerShell AIPService.
Add-AipServiceRoleBasedAdministrator |
Grants administrative rights to Azure Information Protection. |
Add-AipServiceSuperUser |
Adds a super user to Azure Information Protection. |
Add-AipServiceTemplate |
Creates a protection template for Azure Information Protection. |
Clear-AipServiceDocumentRevoked |
Un-revokes a specified, protected document that currently has a revoke status. |
Clear-AipServiceDoNotTrackUserGroup |
Clears the group for the users who must not be tracked by Azure Information Protection. |
Clear-AipServiceSuperUserGroup |
Removes the super user group for Azure Information Protection. |
Connect-AipService |
Connects to Azure Information Protection. |
Convert-AipServiceKeyToKeyVault |
Changes the location of a legacy customer-managed key in Azure Information Protection with the location of a customer-managed key in Azure Key Vault. |
Disable-AipService |
Deactivates the protection service from Azure Information Protection. |
Disable-AipServiceDevicePlatform |
Disables protection support from Azure Information Protection for device platforms. |
Disable-AipServiceDocumentTrackingFeature |
Turns off document tracking for Azure Information Protection. |
Disable-AipServiceIPCv3 |
Disables the MSIPC v3 platform for Azure Information Protection. |
Disable-AipServiceSuperUserFeature |
Disables the super user feature for Azure Information Protection. |
Disconnect-AipService |
Disconnects from Azure Information Protection. |
Enable-AipService |
Activates the protection service for Azure Information Protection. |
Enable-AipServiceDevicePlatform |
Enables protection support from Azure Information Protection for device platforms. |
Enable-AipServiceDocumentTrackingFeature |
Turns on document track and revoke features for Azure Information Protection. |
Enable-AipServiceIPCv3 |
Enables the MSIPC v3 platform for Azure Information Protection. |
Enable-AipServiceSuperUserFeature |
Enables the super user feature for Azure Information Protection. |
Export-AipServiceTemplate |
Exports the properties of a protection template from Azure Information Protection to a file. |
Get-AipService |
Gets the activation status of the protection service from Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceAdminLog |
Generates logs for all protection commands for Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceConfiguration |
Gets the Azure Information Protection configuration of your tenant. |
Get-AipServiceDevicePlatform |
Gets the device platforms in your organization that support the protection service from Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceDocumentLog |
Gets protection information about documents that are tracked by Azure Information Protection. This cmdlet is supported by both the Azure Information Protection classic and unified labeling clients, with different usage, as described below. |
Get-AipServiceDocumentTrackingFeature |
Indicates whether document tracking is enabled or disabled for Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceDoNotTrackUserGroup |
Gets the group for the users who must not be tracked by Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceIPCv3 |
Displays whether the MSIPC v3 service is enabled or disabled for Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceKeys |
Lists all Azure Information Protection tenant keys associated with your tenant. |
Get-AipServiceMaxUseLicenseValidityTime |
Gets the maximum validity time for Rights Management use licenses from Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceMigrationUrl |
Gets the migration URL for Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceOnboardingControlPolicy |
Gets the user on-boarding control policy for Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceRoleBasedAdministrator |
Gets the role-based administrators for Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceSuperUser |
Gets the super users for Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceSuperUserFeature |
Gets the status of the super user feature for Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceSuperUserGroup |
Gets the super user group for Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceTemplate |
Gets a list of protection templates for Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceTemplateProperty |
Gets the properties of a protection template for Azure Information Protection. |
Get-AipServiceTrackingLog |
Gets tracking information for documents protected by Azure Information Protection. This cmdlet is supported by both the Azure Information Protection classic and unified labeling clients, with different usage, as described below. |
Get-AipServiceUserLog |
Downloads protection user logs from Azure Information Protection to local storage. |
Import-AipServiceTemplate |
Creates a custom protection template for Azure Information Protection. |
Import-AipServiceTpd |
Imports a TPD from AD RMS for Azure Information Protection. |
New-AipServiceRightsDefinition |
Creates a rights definition object for a protection template for Azure Information Protection. |
Remove-AipServiceRoleBasedAdministrator |
Removes administrative rights from Azure Information Protection. |
Remove-AipServiceSuperUser |
Removes a super user from Azure Information Protection. |
Remove-AipServiceTemplate |
Deletes a protection template for Azure Information Protection. |
Set-AipServiceDocumentRevoked |
Revokes access for specified users, to a specified tracked and protected document. |
Set-AipServiceDoNotTrackUserGroup |
Sets a group for the users who must not be tracked by Azure Information Protection. |
Set-AipServiceKeyProperties |
Updates the properties of a tenant key object for Azure Information Protection. |
Set-AipServiceMaxUseLicenseValidityTime |
Sets the maximum validity time for Rights Management use licenses for Azure Information Protection. |
Set-AipServiceMigrationUrl |
Sets a migration URL for Azure Information Protection. |
Set-AipServiceOnboardingControlPolicy |
Sets the user on-boarding control policy for Azure Information Protection. |
Set-AipServiceSuperUserGroup |
Sets the super user group for Azure Information Protection. |
Set-AipServiceTemplateProperty |
Updates a property or properties of a protection template for Azure Information Protection. |
Use-AipServiceKeyVaultKey |
Tells Azure Information Protection to use a customer-managed tenant key in Azure Key Vault. |