Condividi tramite NetrValidateName2 (Opnum 25)

The NetrValidateName2 method verifies the validity of a computer, workgroup, or domain name (2).<87>

 unsigned long NetrValidateName2(
   [in] handle_t RpcBindingHandle,
   [in, string, unique] wchar_t* ServerName,
   [in, string] wchar_t* NameToValidate,
   [in, string, unique] wchar_t* AccountName,

RpcBindingHandle: An RPC binding handle [C706].

ServerName: This parameter has no effect on message processing in any environment. The client MUST set this parameter to a value that resolves to the IP protocol layer destination address of the RPC packets it transmits ([MS-RPCE] section The server (2) MUST ignore this parameter.

NameToValidate: A pointer to a string that specifies the name to validate, according to its type.

AccountName: The server SHOULD ignore this parameter.

Password: The server SHOULD ignore this parameter.

NameType: Specifies the type of validation to perform (section

Return Values: When the message processing result matches the description in column 2 of the following table, this method MUST return one of the following values ([MS-ERREF] section 2.2).





The operation completed successfully.



Access is denied.



The connection was denied because a duplicate name exists on the network.



The specified network password is incorrect.



The parameter is incorrect.



The file name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.



The format of the specified domain name (2) is invalid.



The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted.



The RPC protocol sequence is not supported.



This computer name is invalid.



The specified workgroup name is invalid.



The Internet host name does not comply with RFC specifications.



The Internet host name contains an invalid character.



Remote calls are not allowed for this process.

Any other return value MUST conform to the error code requirements in Protocol Details (section 3).

The following definition is used in the specification of message processing that follows.

The following statements define the sequence of message processing operations.

  1. The server MUST retrieve the RPC protocol sequence used for the current call ([MS-RPCE] section, specifying the server binding handle maintained by the RPC runtime ([C706] section 6.2.1). If that RPC protocol sequence is not NCACN_NP, the server SHOULD return RPC_S_PROTSEQ_NOT_SUPPORTED.<88>

  2. The server SHOULD<89> stop message processing and return an implementation-specific error if the caller is not local. Specifications for determining if the caller is local are in [MS-RPCE].

  3. The server MUST check that the caller has been granted access rights using the algorithm in the Access Control Abstract Data Model (section, with Access Request mask initialized to WKSTA_NETAPI_QUERY; if not, the server MUST return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.

  4. The server MUST impersonate the client by invoking the StartImpersonatingClient task (section If this operation fails, the server MUST return an error.

  5. If Password is NULL then PasswordString MUST be NULL. Otherwise, the server MUST decrypt and decode the Password (section PasswordString MUST equal the decrypted and decoded value. The decrypted buffer is represented as a JOINPR_USER_PASSWORD structure (section The value of the Length member MUST be less than 513; otherwise, message processing is stopped, and the server MUST return ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD.

  6. If NameType is NetSetupUnknown the server MUST stop message processing and return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.

  7. First, the method MUST perform syntactic validation of the name as follows. For all types of validation except the NetSetupDnsMachine type, the syntactic validation is performed on the name expressed in the OEM character set.


    • The length of the name MUST NOT be less than 1 or greater than 15 characters, inclusive.

    • The name MUST NOT contain characters that have any one of the following octal values:

       001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 
       015, 016, 017, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 027, 030, 
       031, 032, 033, 034, 035, 036, 037
    • The name MUST NOT contain any of the following characters:

       " / \ [ ] : | < > + = ; , ?
    • The name MUST NOT consist entirely of the dot and space characters.

    NERR_InvalidWorkgroupName MUST be returned if the check fails unless the conditions of this type are being checked as part of another type, which specifies alternate error return behavior.


    All conditions for the NetSetupWorkgroup type apply for this type. Additionally:

    • The name MUST NOT contain an asterisk (*).

    • The first character and the last character of the name MUST NOT be the space character.

      NERR_InvalidComputer MUST be returned if the check fails.


    • The name MUST NOT consist entirely of the dot and space characters.

      ERROR_INVALID_NAME MUST be returned if this condition is violated.

      All conditions for the NetSetupWorkgroup type apply for this type. If the checks for NetSetupWorkgroup fail, all conditions for the NetSetupDnsMachine apply for this type.


      All conditions for the NetSetupDomain type apply for this type. Additionally:

    • The name MUST contain only characters [RFC1035].

      DNS_ERROR_NON_RFC_NAME MUST be returned if this restriction is violated.


      The validation [RFC1035] is performed in the following order. Specifically, the name MUST NOT:

    • Contain characters that have any one of the following octal values:

       001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014,
       015, 016, 017, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 027, 030,
       031, 032, 033, 034, 035, 036, 037
    • Be longer than 255 octets.

    • Contain a label longer than 63 octets.

    • Contain two or more consecutive dots.

    • Begin with a dot.

      ERROR_INVALID_NAME MUST be returned if any condition in this group is violated.

    • Contain a space.

    • Contain any of the following characters:

       { | } ~ [ \ ] ^ ' : ; < = > ? @ ! " # $ % ^ ` ( ) + / , *

      DNS_ERROR_INVALID_NAME_CHAR MUST be returned if any condition in this group is violated.

  8. Second, after validating the name syntactically, the method MUST perform the following verification for the respective types of validation:


    • The name MUST NOT be the name of the server receiving this call. NERR_InvalidWorkgroupName MUST be returned if this condition is violated.

    • The name MUST be valid for registration as a NetBIOS group name [RFC1001].<90> If the name is not valid then ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER MUST be returned.


    • The name MUST be valid for registration as a NetBIOS unique name [RFC1001]. Otherwise, the server MUST return NERR_InvalidComputer.

    • The name MUST NOT be in use by a computer accessible on the network except for the server receiving this call. ERROR_DUP_NAME MUST be returned if this condition is violated.<91>


    • The name MUST differ from the name of the built-in domain, "BUILTIN" (Builtin Domain Principal View, [MS-LSAT] section; the comparison MUST be case-insensitive. NERR_InvalidComputer MUST be returned if this condition is violated.

    • The name MUST be a name of an existing domain. ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN MUST be returned if this condition is not satisfied.<92>


    • The name MUST differ from the name of the built-in domain, "BUILTIN" (Builtin Domain Principal View); the comparison MUST be case-insensitive. NERR_InvalidComputer MUST be returned if this condition is violated.

    • The name MUST NOT be a name of an existing domain accessible on the network. ERROR_DUP_NAME MUST be returned if this condition is not satisfied.<93>

  9. The server MUST stop impersonating the client by invoking the StopImpersonatingClient task (section

If no errors occur, the server MUST return NERR_Success.