Condividi tramite STAT_WORKSTATION_0

The STAT_WORKSTATION_0 structure contains statistical details about the SMB network redirector.

 typedef struct _STAT_WORKSTATION_0 {
   LARGE_INTEGER StatisticsStartTime;
   LARGE_INTEGER BytesReceived;
   LARGE_INTEGER SmbsReceived;
   LARGE_INTEGER PagingReadBytesRequested;
   LARGE_INTEGER NonPagingReadBytesRequested;
   LARGE_INTEGER CacheReadBytesRequested;
   LARGE_INTEGER NetworkReadBytesRequested;
   LARGE_INTEGER BytesTransmitted;
   LARGE_INTEGER SmbsTransmitted;
   LARGE_INTEGER PagingWriteBytesRequested;
   LARGE_INTEGER NonPagingWriteBytesRequested;
   LARGE_INTEGER CacheWriteBytesRequested;
   LARGE_INTEGER NetworkWriteBytesRequested;
   unsigned long InitiallyFailedOperations;
   unsigned long FailedCompletionOperations;
   unsigned long ReadOperations;
   unsigned long RandomReadOperations;
   unsigned long ReadSmbs;
   unsigned long LargeReadSmbs;
   unsigned long SmallReadSmbs;
   unsigned long WriteOperations;
   unsigned long RandomWriteOperations;
   unsigned long WriteSmbs;
   unsigned long LargeWriteSmbs;
   unsigned long SmallWriteSmbs;
   unsigned long RawReadsDenied;
   unsigned long RawWritesDenied;
   unsigned long NetworkErrors;
   unsigned long Sessions;
   unsigned long FailedSessions;
   unsigned long Reconnects;
   unsigned long CoreConnects;
   unsigned long Lanman20Connects;
   unsigned long Lanman21Connects;
   unsigned long LanmanNtConnects;
   unsigned long ServerDisconnects;
   unsigned long HungSessions;
   unsigned long UseCount;
   unsigned long FailedUseCount;
   unsigned long CurrentCommands;

StatisticsStartTime: The time that statistics collection started. The value MUST be stored as the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00, January 1, 1970 GMT.

BytesReceived: The total number of bytes the SMB network redirector has received.

SmbsReceived: The total number of SMB messages that the SMB network redirector has received.

PagingReadBytesRequested: If applicable to the server (2), an implementation-specific value; otherwise, it MUST be set to zero.

NonPagingReadBytesRequested: If applicable to the server, an implementation-specific value; otherwise, it MUST be set to zero.

CacheReadBytesRequested: If applicable to the server, an implementation-specific value; otherwise, it MUST be set to zero.

NetworkReadBytesRequested: If applicable to the server, an implementation-specific value; otherwise, it MUST be set to zero.

BytesTransmitted: The total number of bytes that the SMB network redirector has transmitted.

SmbsTransmitted: The total number of SMB messages that the SMB network redirector has transmitted.

PagingWriteBytesRequested: If applicable to the server, an implementation-specific value; otherwise, it MUST be set to zero.

NonPagingWriteBytesRequested: If applicable to the server, an implementation-specific value; otherwise, it MUST be set to zero.

CacheWriteBytesRequested: If applicable to the server, an implementation-specific value; otherwise, it MUST be set to zero.

NetworkWriteBytesRequested: If applicable to the server, an implementation-specific value; otherwise, it MUST be set to zero.

InitiallyFailedOperations: The total number of network operations that have failed to start.

FailedCompletionOperations: The total number of network operations that have failed to complete.

ReadOperations: The total number of read operations that the SMB network redirector has initiated.

RandomReadOperations: If applicable to the server, an implementation-specific value; otherwise, it MUST be set to zero.

ReadSmbs: The total number of read requests that the SMB network redirector has sent to remote computers.

LargeReadSmbs: The total number of read requests greater than twice the size of the remote computer’s negotiated buffer size that the SMB network redirector has sent to remote computers.

SmallReadSmbs: The total number of read requests that are less than one-quarter the size of the remote computer’s negotiated buffer size that the SMB network redirector has sent to remote computers.

WriteOperations: The total number of write operations that the SMB network redirector has initiated.

RandomWriteOperations: If applicable to the server, an implementation-specific value; otherwise, it MUST be set to zero.

WriteSmbs: The total number of write requests that the SMB network redirector has sent to remote computers.

LargeWriteSmbs: The total number of write requests that are greater than twice the size of the remote computer’s negotiated buffer size and that the SMB network redirector has sent to remote computers.

SmallWriteSmbs: The total number of write requests that are less than one-quarter the size of the remote computer’s negotiated buffer size and that the SMB network redirector has sent to remote computers ([MS-CIFS] section

RawReadsDenied: The total number of raw read requests made by the SMB network redirector that have been denied by the remote computer. This field MAY<8> be ignored.

RawWritesDenied: The total number of raw write requests made by the SMB network redirector that have been denied by the remote computer. This field MAY<9> be ignored.

NetworkErrors: The total number of network errors that the SMB network redirector has received.

Sessions: The total number of remote SMB sessions that the SMB network redirector has established.

FailedSessions: The number of times that the SMB network redirector has attempted to create an SMB session but failed.

Reconnects: The total number of SMB connections that have failed.

CoreConnects: The total number of SMB connections to remote computers supporting the PCNET1 dialect that have succeeded ([MS-CIFS] section

Lanman20Connects: The total number of SMB connections that have succeeded to remote computers supporting the LM1.2X002 dialect.

Lanman21Connects: The total number of SMB connections that have succeeded to remote computers supporting the LANMAN2.1 dialect.

LanmanNtConnects: The total number of SMB connections that have succeeded to remote computers supporting the NTLANMAN dialect.

ServerDisconnects: The number of times that a remote computer has disconnected the SMB network redirector.

HungSessions: The total number of SMB sessions that have timed out due to lack of response from the remote computer.

UseCount: The total number of SMB connections that the SMB network redirector has established.

FailedUseCount: The total number of failed SMB connections for the SMB network redirector.

CurrentCommands: The number of current requests that the SMB network redirector has completed.