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1.4 Relationship to Other Protocols

The Workstation Service Remote Protocol is dependent on the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Protocol Extensions [MS-RPCE] and Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol [MS-SMB] for its transport. This protocol uses RPC over named pipes (section 2.1), and named pipes use SMB.<1><2>

The client-side protocol relationships are illustrated in the following diagram:

Client-side protocol relationships among the Workstation Service Remote Protocol and supporting protocols

Figure 1: Client-side protocol relationships among the Workstation Service Remote Protocol and supporting protocols

The server-side protocol relationships are illustrated in the following diagram:

Server relationships among the Workstation Service Remote Protocol and supporting protocols

Figure 2: Server relationships among the Workstation Service Remote Protocol and supporting protocols

The server dependency on the Local Security Authority (LSA) (Domain Policy) Remote Protocol [MS-LSAD] shown in the figure is a shared-state dependency resulting from the Workstation Service Remote Protocol depending on Access Check Algorithm Pseudocode ([MS-DTYP] section, which in turn depends on the state in that protocol. This protocol also depends on additional state that is maintained by the LSA (Domain Policy) Remote Protocol (section

The Workstation Service Remote Protocol server uses SMB to create SMB sessions and to establish and reuse authenticated (2) and unauthenticated connections ([MS-SMB] section

The server invokes the domain join and unjoin tasks (sections and, and it depends on LDAP [RFC2251] and Active Directory communication ([MS-ADTS] section 7) for querying and updating objects.

The Workstation Service Remote Protocol server also depends on:

  • Shared abstract data model (ADM) elements (sections and

  • Read/write access to the domain-secret state variable in Active Directory ([MS-ADTS] section 6.4.1). In Netlogon it is called the shared secret ([MS-NRPC] section 3.1.1).

  • The data model for account representation in the domain ([MS-ADTS] section 6.4.2).

  • The DsrGetDcNameEx2 method ([MS-NRPC] section for DC-location functionality.

  • The Security Account Manager (SAM) Remote Protocol (Client-to-Server) [MS-SAMR] for performing updates to the computer account (section

No other protocol depends on the Workstation Service Remote Protocol.