Condividi tramite Per Tree Connect

The server implements the following:

  • TreeConnect.TreeId: A numeric value that uniquely identifies a tree connect within the scope of the session over which it was established. This value is represented as a 32-bit TreeId in the SMB2 header. 0xFFFFFFFF(-1) MUST be considered as a reserved and invalid value for the TreeId.

  • TreeConnect.Session: The authenticated session that established this tree connect.

  • TreeConnect.Share: The share that this tree connect was established for.

  • TreeConnect.OpenCount: A numeric value that indicates the number of files that are currently opened on TreeConnect.

  • TreeConnect.TreeGlobalId: A numeric value obtained via registration with [MS-SRVS], as specified in [MS-SRVS] section

  • TreeConnect.CreationTime: The time tree connect was established.

  • TreeConnect.MaximalAccess: Access rights for the user that established the tree connect on TreeConnect.Share, in the format specified in section

  • TreeConnect.RemotedIdentitySecurityContext: The remoted identity security context of the caller optionally provided by the client via the remoted identity tree connect context.