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The SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS_WOW64 structure defines the action that the service controller takes on each failure of a service.

 typedef struct {
   DWORD dwResetPeriod;
   DWORD dwRebootMsgOffset;
   DWORD dwCommandOffset;
   DWORD cActions;
   DWORD dwsaActionsOffset;

dwResetPeriod: The time, in seconds, after which to reset the failure count to zero if there are no failures.

dwRebootMsgOffset: The offset for the buffer containing the message that is broadcast in response to the SC_ACTION_REBOOT service controller action (section 2.2.18) to all server users prior to a server reboot.

dwCommandOffset: The offset for the buffer that contains the Unicode command line of the process that the process creation function executes in response to the SC_ACTION_RUN_COMMAND service controller action (section 2.2.18).

cActions: The number of SC_ACTION (section 2.2.19) structures in the array that is offset by the value of dwsaActionsOffset.

dwsaActionsOffset: The offset for the buffer that contains an array of SC_ACTION structures.