Condividi tramite MIB_IPMCAST_MFE

The MIB_IPMCAST_MFE structure stores the information for an IP multicast forwarding entry (MFE). This structure is used in MIB_MFE_TABLE (section structure.

 typedef struct _MIB_IPMCAST_MFE {
   DWORD dwGroup;
   DWORD dwSource;
   DWORD dwSrcMask;
   DWORD dwUpStrmNgbr;
   DWORD dwInIfIndex;
   DWORD dwInIfProtocol;
   DWORD dwRouteProtocol;
   DWORD dwRouteNetwork;
   DWORD dwRouteMask;
   ULONG ulUpTime;
   ULONG ulExpiryTime;
   ULONG ulTimeOut;
   ULONG ulNumOutIf;
   DWORD fFlags;
   DWORD dwReserved;
   MIB_IPMCAST_OIF rgmioOutInfo[1];

dwGroup: The range of IPv4 multicast groups for this MFE. A value of zero (0) indicates a wildcard group.

dwSource: The range of IPv4 source addresses for this MFE. A value of zero (0) indicates a wildcard source.

dwSrcMask: The IPv4 subnet mask that corresponds to dwSource. The dwSource and dwSrcMask members are used together to define a range of sources.

dwUpStrmNgbr: The upstream neighbor that is related to this MFE.

dwInIfIndex: The index of the interface to which this MFE is related.

dwInIfProtocol: The routing protocol that owns the incoming interface to which this MFE is related.

dwRouteProtocol: The protocol that created the route. This is the enum MIB_IPFORWARD_PROTO (section

dwRouteNetwork: The IPv4 address associated with the route referred to by dwRouteProtocol.

dwRouteMask: The IPv4 mask associated with the route referred to by dwRouteProtocol.

ulUpTime: The time, in seconds, that this MFE has been valid. This value starts from zero (0) and is incremented until it reaches the ulTimeOut value, at which time the MFE is deleted.

ulExpiryTime: The time, in seconds, that remains before the MFE expires and is deleted. This value starts from ulTimeOut and is decremented until it reaches zero (0), at which time the MFE is deleted.

ulTimeOut: The total length of time, in seconds, that this MFE remains valid. After the time-out value is exceeded, the MFE is deleted.

ulNumOutIf: The number of outgoing interfaces that are associated with this MFE.

fFlags: Reserved. This member SHOULD be NULL.

dwReserved: Reserved. This member SHOULD be NULL.

rgmioOutInfo: A pointer to a table of outgoing interface statistics that are implemented as an array of MIB_IPMCAST_OIF (section structures.