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3.7.4 Message Processing Events and Sequencing Rules

The ITypeInfo interface derives from the IUnknown interface. ITypeInfo servers MUST implement the methods that are defined in IUnknown in the order in which, and with the opnums with which, they are specified in [MS-DCOM] Appendix A.

Methods in RPC Opnum Order




The GetTypeAttr method retrieves a TYPEATTR structure that contains information about the type described by the ITypeInfo server.

Opnum: 3


The GetTypeComp method retrieves a reference to the ITypeComp server instance associated with the ITypeInfo server.

Opnum: 4


The GetFuncDesc method retrieves a FUNCDESC structure that contains information about a member of the ITypeInfo server's method or dispatch method table.

Opnum: 5


The GetVarDesc method retrieves a VARDESC structure that contains information about a member of the ITypeInfo server’s data member table.

Opnum: 6


The GetNames method retrieves the data member name, or the method and parameter names associated with a specified MEMBERID.

Opnum: 7


The GetRefTypeOfImplType method retrieves the HREFTYPE corresponding to the automation type description of an interface that is inherited, implemented, or referenced by the ITypeInfo server.

Opnum: 8


The GetImplTypeFlags method retrieves the IMPLTYPEFLAGS values associated with an interface member of a coclass.

Opnum: 9


Reserved for local use.

Opnum: 10


Reserved for local use.

Opnum: 11


The GetDocumentation method retrieves the documentation resources associated with a type member.

Opnum: 12


The GetDllEntry method retrieves values associated with a local-only method defined in a module.

Opnum: 13


The GetRefTypeInfo method retrieves an automation type description that describes a type that is inherited or referenced by the ITypeInfo server.

Opnum: 14


Reserved for local use.

Opnum: 15


The CreateInstance method creates a new instance of a type that describes a COM server (coclass).

Opnum: 16


The GetMops method has no effect when called across the wire.

Opnum: 17


The GetContainingTypeLib method retrieves the ITypeLib server instance whose type information table contains the ITypeInfo instance, and the index of the ITypeInfo instance within the type information table.

Opnum: 18


Reserved for local use.

Opnum: 19


Reserved for local use.

Opnum: 20


Reserved for local use.

Opnum: 21

In the preceding table, the term "Reserved for local use" means that the client MUST NOT send the opnum, and the server behavior is undefined because it does not affect interoperability.

All methods MUST NOT throw exceptions. All return values use the NTSTATUS numbering space; in particular, a value of 0x00000000 indicates success, and any other return value indicates an error. All error values are specified in [MS-ERREF] and MUST be treated the same, unless specified otherwise.