Condividi tramite NL_GENERIC_RPC_DATA

The NL_GENERIC_RPC_DATA structure SHOULD<59> define a format for marshaling arrays of unsigned long values and Unicode strings, by value, over RPC. This structure can be used to transmit generic data over RPC from the server to a client.

 typedef struct _NL_GENERIC_RPC_DATA {
   ULONG UlongEntryCount;
   [size_is(UlongEntryCount)] ULONG * UlongData;
   ULONG UnicodeStringEntryCount;
     PUNICODE_STRING UnicodeStringData;

UlongEntryCount: The number of entries in the UlongData field.

UlongData: A pointer to an array of unsigned 32-bit integer values.

UnicodeStringEntryCount: The number of entries in UnicodeStringData field.

UnicodeStringData: A pointer to an array of Unicode STRING structures (section