The LSAPR_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure specifies an object and its properties. This structure MUST be ignored except for the RootDirectory field, which MUST be NULL.<18>

 typedef struct _LSAPR_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES {
   unsigned long Length;
   unsigned char* RootDirectory;
   PSTRING ObjectName;
   unsigned long Attributes;

Length: The length of the structure, in bytes. This field is not used and MUST be ignored.

RootDirectory: This field is not used and MUST be NULL.

ObjectName: A pointer to a STRING structure that contains the object name. This field MUST be ignored. The content is unspecified and no requirements are placed on its value because it is never used.

Attributes: This field MUST be ignored. The content is unspecified and no requirements are placed on its value because it is never used.

SecurityDescriptor: This field contains the security attributes of the object. This field MUST be ignored. The content is unspecified and no requirements are placed on its value because it is never used.

SecurityQualityOfService: This field MUST be ignored. The content is unspecified and no requirements are placed on its value because it is never used.