Condividi tramite LsarOpenPolicy (Opnum 6)

The LsarOpenPolicy method is exactly the same as LsarOpenPolicy2, except that the SystemName parameter in this function, because of its syntactic definition, contains only one character instead of a full string. This SystemName parameter does not have any effect on message processing in any environment. It MUST be ignored.

 NTSTATUS LsarOpenPolicy(
   [in, unique] wchar_t* SystemName,
   [in] PLSAPR_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,
   [in] ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
   [out] LSAPR_HANDLE* PolicyHandle

SystemName: This parameter does not have any effect on message processing in any environment. It MUST be ignored on receipt.

ObjectAttributes: This parameter does not have any effect on message processing in any environment. All fields MUST<62> be ignored except RootDirectory, which MUST be NULL.

DesiredAccess: An ACCESS_MASK value that specifies the requested access rights that MUST be granted on the returned PolicyHandle, if the request is successful.

PolicyHandle: An RPC context handle (as specified in section that represents a reference to the abstract data model of a policy object, as specified in section


The processing is the same as for LsarOpenPolicy2. LsarOpenPolicy2 supersedes this message and MUST be used when possible.