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An RPC_BINDING_HANDLE is an untyped 32-bit pointer containing information that the RPC run-time library uses to access binding information. It is directly equivalent to the type rpc_binding_handle_t described in [C706] section 3.1.4.

The RPC_BINDING_HANDLE data type declares a binding handle containing information that the RPC run-time library uses to access binding information.

The run-time library uses binding information to establish a client/server relationship that allows the execution of remote procedure calls. Based on the context in which a binding handle is created, it is considered a server-binding handle or a client-binding handle.

A server-binding handle contains the information necessary for a client to establish a relationship with a specific server. Any number of RPC API run-time routines return a server-binding handle that can be used for making a remote procedure call.

A client-binding handle cannot be used to make a remote procedure call. The RPC run-time library creates and provides a client-binding handle to a called-server procedure (also called a server-manager routine) as the RPC_BINDING_HANDLE parameter. The client-binding handle contains information about the calling client.

This type is declared as follows:

 typedef void* RPC_BINDING_HANDLE;