Server Behavior of the IDL_DRSReplicaDel Method
Informative summary of behavior: When DRS_NO_SOURCE is not specified, the server removes a value from the repsFrom of the specified NC replica. If ulOptions contains DRS_ASYNC_OP, the server processes the request asynchronously. The client has to include DRS_WRIT_REP in ulOptions if the specified NC replica is a writable replica. The server removes the value from repsFrom whose serverAddress matches pszDsaSrc. If ulOptions does not contain DRS_LOCAL_ONLY, the server sends a request to the DC specified by pszDsaSrc to remove this DC from the values in repsTo of the specified NC replica by calling IDL_DRSUpdateRefs.
When DRS_NO_SOURCE is specified, the server expunges the NC replica and all its children. This operation returns an error and the expunge does not occur if the repsFrom or repsTo attributes are present on the NC replica. However, if ulOptions contains DRS_REF_OK, it is permitted for repsTo to be present. If ulOptions contains DRS_ASYNC_OP, the server processes the request asynchronously. The client has to include DRS_WRIT_REP in ulOptions if the specified NC replica is writable. If ulOptions contains DRS_ASYNC_REP, the server expunges the objects asynchronously.
ULONG IDL_DRSReplicaDel( [in, ref] DRS_HANDLE hDrs, [in] DWORD dwVersion, [in, ref, switch_is(dwVersion)] DRS_MSG_REPDEL *pmsgDel); options: DRS_OPTIONS nc: DSName cr: DSName srcDSA: DSName hDrsSrc: DRS_HANDLE rf: RepsFrom msgIn: DRS_MSG_REPDEL_V1 updRefs: DRS_MSG_UPDREFS /* See IDL_DRSUpdateRefs structures. */ rt: ULONG ValidateDRSInput(hDrs, 6) msgIn := pmsgDel^.V1 /* Validate the NC */ if msgIn.pNC = null then return ERROR_DS_DRA_INVALID_PARAMETER endif nc := msgIn.pNC^ if not ObjExists(nc) then return ERROR_DS_DRA_BAD_NC endif if not AccessCheckCAR(nc, DS-Replication-Manage-Topology) then return ERROR_DS_DRA_ACCESS_DENIED endif options := msgIn.ulOptions /* Any request that includes invalid options is rejected. */ if options - {DRS_ASYNC_OP, DRS_WRIT_REP, DRS_MAIL_REP,DRS_ASYNC_REP, DRS_IGNORE_ERROR, DRS_LOCAL_ONLY, DRS_NO_SOURCE, DRS_REF_OK} ≠ {} then return ERROR_DS_DRA_INVALID_PARAMETER endif if DRS_NO_SOURCE in options then /* Expunging local copy of an NC. */ /* Do not permit removal of nonroot or uninstantiated NCs. */ if (IT_NC_HEAD not in nc!instanceType or IT_UNINSTANT in nc!instanceType) then return ERROR_DS_DRA_BAD_NC endif /* NC must not replicate from any other DC. */ if (select one v from nc!repsFrom where (true)) ≠ null then return ERROR_DS_DRA_INVALID_PARAMETER endif /* NC must not replicate to any other DC. */ if (select one v from nc!repsTo where (true)) ≠ null and (not DRS_REF_OK in options) then return ERROR_DS_DRA_OBJ_IS_REP_SOURCE endif /* Do not permit removal of important NCs. */ if IT_WRITE in nc!instanceType and (nc = DefaultNC() or nc = ConfigNC() or nc = SchemaNC()) then return ERROR_DS_DRA_INVALID_PARAMETER endif if DRS_ASYNC_REP in options then Asynchronous Processing: Initiate a logical thread of control to process the remainder of this request asynchronously return 0 endif /* Expunge the subtree rooted at dn and pertaining to the same NC. * If the subtree includes a sub-ref object for a locally instantiated NC, * remove the IT_NC_ABOVE flag from the sub-ref object instanceType * attribute. * */ foreach o in (select all v from subtree nc where GetObjectNC(v) = nc) if(IT_NC_HEAD in o!instanceType and IT_UNINSTANT not in o!instanceType) then o!instanceType = o!instanceType – {IT_NC_ABOVE} else Expunge(o) endif endfor /* If the root of the NC being expunged is a sub-ref object itself, then it * might need to be preserved. */ /* Check whether there is stil a crossref object for the given nc. */ cr := select one v from subtree ConfigNC() where v!ncName = nc and crossRef in v!objectClass if(cr == NULL) if(IT_NC_ABOVE in nc!instanceType) then nc!instanceType = {IT_NC_ABOVE, IT_UNINSTANT,IT_NC_HEAD} endif rt := RemoveObj(nc,false) if rt ≠ 0 then return rt endif else if(IT_NC_ABOVE in nc!instanceType) then nc!instanceType = {IT_NC_ABOVE, IT_UNINSTANT,IT_NC_HEAD} else Expunge(nc) endif endif return 0 else /* not DRS_NO_SOURCE in options */ /* Removing a single source from repsFrom, but leaving NC replica * on DC. */ if msgIn.pszDsaSrc = null or msgIn.pszDsaSrc^ = "" or (IsAdlds() and GetDSNameFromNetworkAddress(msgIn.pszDsaSrc^) = null) then return ERROR_DS_DRA_INVALID_PARAMETER endif if DRS_ASYNC_OP in options then Asynchronous Processing: Initiate a logical thread of control to process the remainder of this request asynchronously return 0 endif rf := select one v from nc!repsFrom where (v.serverAddress = msgIn.pszDsaSrc) if rf = null then return ERROR_DS_DRA_NO_REPLICA endif nc!repsFrom := nc!repsFrom - {rf} if (not DRS_LOCAL_ONLY in options) and (not DRS_MAIL_REP in rf.options) then /* Disable replication notifications by requesting the server DC * specified by msgIn.pszDsaSrc to remove this DC * from its repsTo. */ updRefs.pNC^ := ADR(nc) updRefs.pszDsaDest := NetworkAddress of this DC updRefs.uuidDsaDest := dc.serverGuid updRefs.ulOptions := {DRS_ASYNC_OP, DRS_DEL_REF} if DRS_WRIT_REP in msgIn.ulOptions then updRefs.ulOptions := updRefs.ulOptions + {DRS_WRIT_REP} endif srcDSA := GetDSNameFromNetworkAddr(msgnIn.pszDsaSrc) hDrsSrc := BindToDSA(srcDSA) if hDrsSrc ≠ null then ret := IDL_DRSUpdateRefs(hDrsSrc, 1, ADR(updRefs)) UnbindFromDSA(hDrsSrc) endif endif return 0 endif