Condividi tramite DUALSTRINGARRAY (IDL Version)

In certain cases in the DCOM Remote Protocol, a DUALSTRINGARRAY is passed or returned as a parameter in an RPC call. For example, see section In all such cases, the IDL definition that the DCOM Remote Protocol uses is as follows.

 typedef struct tagDUALSTRINGARRAY {
   unsigned short wNumEntries;
   unsigned short wSecurityOffset;
   [size_is(wNumEntries)] unsigned short aStringArray[];

wNumEntries: This MUST be set to the number of unsigned shorts in the aStringArray field.

wSecurityOffset: This MUST be set to the number of unsigned shorts from the beginning of the aStringArray array to the beginning of the first security binding within the array. For details, see section

aStringArray: This MUST be an array of wNumEntries unsigned shorts. This field MUST be interpreted to contain a sequence of STRINGBINDING entries followed by a sequence of SECURITYBINDING entries, in the same syntax as defined in section