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The REMINTERFACEREF structure is passed as a parameter to either IRemUnknown::RemAddRef (Opnum 4) or IRemUnknown::RemRelease (Opnum 5). It specifies the number and type of references that the client requests to be added to (or subtracted from) an interface reference count.

 typedef struct tagREMINTERFACEREF {
   IPID ipid;
   unsigned long cPublicRefs;
   unsigned long cPrivateRefs;

ipid: This MUST be the IPID of the interface reference count to be modified.

cPublicRefs: This MUST be the number of public references (see section 1.3.6) on the interface identified by IPID being requested by the client.

cPrivateRefs: This MUST be the number of private references (see section 1.3.6) on the interface identified by IPID being requested by the client.