Condividi tramite IObjectExporter::ResolveOxid2 (Opnum 4)

The ResolveOxid2 method returns the bindings and Remote Unknown IPID for an object exporter, and the COMVERSION of the object server. This method was introduced with version 5.2 of the DCOM Remote Protocol.

 [idempotent] error_status_t ResolveOxid2(
   [in] handle_t hRpc,
   [in] OXID* pOxid,
   [in] unsigned short cRequestedProtseqs,
   [in, ref, size_is(cRequestedProtseqs)] 
     unsigned short arRequestedProtseqs[],
   [out, ref] DUALSTRINGARRAY** ppdsaOxidBindings,
   [out, ref] IPID* pipidRemUnknown,
   [out, ref] DWORD* pAuthnHint,
   [out, ref] COMVERSION* pComVersion

hRpc:  This MUST specify an RPC binding handle as specified in [MS-RPCE] section

pOxid:  This MUST specify an OXID identifying an object exporter.

cRequestedProtseqs: This MUST contain the number of elements in the arRequestedProtseqs array.

arRequestedProtseqs: This MUST contain an array of RPC protocol sequence identifiers supported by the client.

ppdsaOxidBindings:  This MUST contain the string and security bindings supported by the object exporter and MUST NOT be NULL. The returned string bindings SHOULD contain endpoints.

pipidRemUnknown:  This MUST contain the IPID of the object exporter Remote Unknown object.

pAuthnHint:  This SHOULD contain an RPC authentication level (see [MS-RPCE] section that denotes the minimum authentication level supported by the object exporter.<57>

pComVersion:  This MUST contain the COMVERSION of the object exporter. For details, see section 2.2.11.

When processing this call, the object resolver MUST perform the same operations that it does for the IObjectExporter::ResolveOxid method. It MUST also return the object exporter's COMVERSION from the OXID entry of the object exporter.