Condividi tramite InstantiationInfoData

The client uses this structure to specify basic details of the object to be activated, including the identifying object CLSID and one or more requested object interfaces.

CLSID_InstantiationInfo (section 1.9) is used to identify this property in the CustomHeader.pclsid array.

 typedef struct tagInstantiationInfoData {
   CLSID classId;
   DWORD classCtx;
   DWORD actvflags;
   long fIsSurrogate;
     DWORD cIID;
   DWORD instFlag;
   [size_is(cIID)] IID* pIID;
   DWORD thisSize;
   COMVERSION clientCOMVersion;
 } InstantiationInfoData;

classId: The CLSID of the COM object class that the client activates.

classCtx: An implementation-specific value that SHOULD be ignored on receipt.<23>

actvflags: 0x00000000 or any combination of the following bit values.





The object resolver is requested to not execute the object exporter under the client's identity.



The object resolver is requested to execute the object exporter in the 32-bit address space.



The object resolver is requested to execute the object exporter in the 64-bit address space.



The object resolver is requested to not log an error if a failure occurs during the activation request.

fIsSurrogate: This MUST be set to FALSE (0x00000000) and MUST be ignored on receipt.

cIID: The number of interfaces in the pIID array. This value MUST be between 1 and MAX_REQUESTED_INTERFACES (see section

instFlag: This MUST be set to zero and MUST be ignored on receipt.

pIID: An array of IIDs identifying the interfaces that the client requests from the server.

thisSize: The size (in bytes) of this structure, as marshaled by the NDR Type Serialization 1 engine (as specified in [MS-RPCE] section 2.2.6). It SHOULD be ignored on receipt.

clientCOMVersion: The COMVERSION of the client. This MUST be ignored on receipt.