Condividi tramite FlushPartitionCache (Opnum 9)

This method is called by a client to request that the server clear its local cache of the entries in domain-controlled PartitionRoles (section, PartitionRoleMembers (section, and PartitionUsers (section tables, if the server does such lookups with an active directory.

 HRESULT FlushPartitionCache();

This method has no parameters.

Return Values: This method MUST return S_OK (0x00000000) on success, and a failure result, as specified in [MS-ERREF] section 2.1, on failure. All failure results MUST be treated identically.

Upon receiving a call to this method, if the server is not configured to use active directory lookups for these tables (see the DSPartitionLookupEnabled property in the table in section, it SHOULD immediately return S_OK.

Otherwise, the server SHOULD remove all entries from its cache, and fail if it cannot do so.