Condividi tramite Alternate Launch Configurations

A server that supports the IAlternateLaunch (section interface enables clients to create alternate launch configurations for conglomerations. The meaning of such a configuration is implementation-specific.<272>

An alternate launch configuration consists of the following properties, which are associated with the conglomeration for which the alternate launch configuration was created.

 Property name





A unique identifier for alternate launch configurations.


32-bit unsigned integer

An implementation-specific<273> value that indicates how the ORB is to create instance containers for the conglomeration.


32-bit unsigned integer

An implementation-specific<274> value that indicates how the ORB is to handle serious errors for components in the conglomeration.



An implementation-specific<275> value that represents dependencies that the ORB is to ensure are met before creating an instance container for the conglomeration.



The security principal to be used by the ORB when performing an alternate launch.<276> Clients that configure alternate launch configurations SHOULD set the RunAsUser property of the conglomeration to the same value as AlternateLaunchRunAs.



The password for the security principal specified by the AlternateLaunchRunAs property.<277> Clients that configure alternate launch configurations SHOULD set the Password property of the conglomeration to the same value as AlternateLaunchPassword.



Indicates whether or not the ORB is to perform an alternate launch in such a way that the components in the conglomeration are able to interact with users interactively.<278>

Except for the AlternateLaunchName property, this configuration is not exposed in any of the tables in the catalog. However, if the server also supports exporting and importing conglomerations, the additional properties StartType, Dependencies, and DesktopOk SHOULD be represented in installer package files that the server creates for conglomerations with alternate launch configurations, so that a round trip of export and import results in an equivalent alternate launch configuration. For more details on round-trip consistency, see IImport::ImportFromFile (section

Alternate launch configurations are persistent; that is, they retain their state between sessions.