Condividi tramite GROUP_ENUM_ENTRY

The GROUP_ENUM_ENTRY structure contains information for each group in the enumeration list returned by ApiCreateGroupEnum (section

 typedef struct _GROUP_ENUM_ENTRY {
   [string] LPWSTR Name;
   [string] LPWSTR Id;
   DWORD dwState;
   [string] LPWSTR Owner;
   DWORD dwFlags;
   DWORD cbProperties;
   [size_is(cbProperties)] UCHAR* Properties;
   DWORD cbRoProperties;
   [size_is(cbRoProperties)] UCHAR* RoProperties;

Name: The name of the group.

Id: The Id of the group.

dwState: The state of the group, as specified in section

Owner: The name of the group's current owner node.

dwFlags: The group's flags, as would be returned by CLUSCTL_GROUP_GET_FLAGS (section

cbProperties: The size in bytes of the buffer pointed to by the Properties field.

Properties: A PROPERTY_LIST (section containing common properties of the group.

cbRoProperties: The size in bytes of the buffer pointed to by the RoProperties field.

RoProperties: A PROPERTY_LIST containing read-only common properties of the group.