Condividi tramite remove documents

The remove documents request is used by the client to delete specific documents or folders from the site.


service_name: This parameter is deprecated. See service_name in section

url_list: A VECTOR-URL-STRING list of service-relative URLs that the client wants to be deleted. The server MUST delete the URLs listed here, subject to authorization checks and the time tokens parameter value.

time_tokens: If present and nonempty, the value lists the vti_timelastmodified for the corresponding documents as known by the client. If the VECTOR-TIME is empty or the parameter is not present, the server MUST ignore this parameter; otherwise, it MAY refuse to delete documents in which the date does not match the actual vti_timelastmodified as known on the server.<49>

validateWelcomeNames: For semantics, see section



Return Values

The server can return the error code 0x00090002

message: A STRING description of the action taken by the server. This is intended for debugging and SHOULD be ignored by the client.

removed_docs: A VECTOR-DOCINFO containing the name and metadata for the documents that were removed. The server SHOULD send empty METADICTs in this value.<50>

removed_dirs: A VECTOR-DOCINFO containing the name and metadata for the folders that were removed. The server SHOULD send empty METADICTs in this return value.<51>

failed_docs: A VECTOR-DOCINFO specifying the name and metadata for the documents that failed to be removed. The server MUST respond with a (potentially empty) list of documents that could not be removed.

failed_dirs: A VECTOR-URL-DIRECTORY specifying the name and metadata for the folders that failed to be removed. The server MUST respond with a (potentially empty) list of folders that could not be removed.