Condividi tramite getDocsMetaInfo

The getDocsMetaInfo request is used by the client to retrieve metadata for the files and directories in the current site. The getDocsMetaInfo request is similar in function to the list documents (section request except that it only retrieves metadata for the files or folders specified through the url_list parameter. The list documents requests information about all of the files and folders under a given directory; getDocsMetaInfo requests information about the URLs requested.


service_name: This parameter is deprecated: See service_name in section

listHiddenDocs: A BOOLEAN value that specifies whether the client requests the hidden documents in a site be included in the documents listed. If TRUE, the server MAY list hidden documents; if FALSE, the server MAY leave hidden documents out of the list returned.<35>

listLinkInfo: For semantics, see section

url_list: A VECTOR-STRING list of service-relative URLs about what client wants information. If url_list is empty, it is treated as though it is a single vector with "" (the root of the site).

validateWelcomeNames: For semantics, see section



Return Values

document_list: A DOCUMENT-LIST-RETURN-TYPE (section specifying the name and metadata for the set of documents.

urldirs: A VECTOR-URL-DIRECTORY containing information about folders and subsites in the current site.