Condividi tramite vti_dirlateststamp

Type: TIME

Client Access: Read-only

Applies to: Folder


The vti_dirlateststamp metakey is a time stamp that records the approximate time of the first client call to the list documents or move documents methods that included this folder, following a change to the folder contents or metadata.

The server SHOULD include this key as a date in folder metadata, but not child web folder metadata, that it returns to the client.<11>

If the client caches the response of the list documents method requests, it SHOULD cache this time stamp and send this value in the folderList parameter in subsequent calls to the list documents method. Servers SHOULD use the value during processing of a call to the list documents method for optimization, to only return data for folders that are out of date on the client.

If the client caches the response of the list documents method requests, it SHOULD cache this information as well.

This value SHOULD be used in the folderList parameter when the list documents method is called again to refresh the cached response.
