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MouseEvent.DragState property (Visio)

Returns information about the state of mouse movement as it relates to dragging and dropping a shape. Read-only.


expression. DragState

expression An expression that returns a MouseEvent object.

Return value



The DragState property extends the MouseMove event by returning detailed information about the state of mouse movements and actions throughout the course of a drag and drop operation. Use the DragState property in conjunction with the EventList.AddAdvise method to determine whether a drag and drop operation is beginning, or whether the mouse is entering a drop-target window, moving over the window, dropping an object in the target window, or leaving the window.


You can specify exactly which drag-states extensions you want to listen to by using the Event.SetFilterActions method.

To handle event notifications, create a class module that implements the VisEventProc method of the IVisEventProc interface and then create an instance of this class to pass as an argument to the AddAdvise method. Get the value of the DragState property of the pSubjectObj parameter of the VisEventProc function.

At any time you can return VisEventProc = True to cancel the drag and drop action, for example if you receive an event notification that the user is attempting to drop an object in an inappropriate target window.

The example that accompanies this topic provides sample code that shows how to get drag-state information.

Possible values returned by the DragState property are shown in the following table and declared in the VisMouseMoveDragStates enumeration, which is declared in the Microsoft Visio type library.

Constant Value Description
visMouseMoveDragStatesBegin 1 User is beginning to drag an object with the mouse.
visMouseMoveDragStatesDrop 5 User has dropped the dragged object in the drop-target window.
visMouseMoveDragStatesEnter 2 User is dragging an object into the drop-target window with the mouse.
visMouseMoveDragStatesLeave 4 User is moving the mouse out of the drop-target window.
visMouseMoveDragStatesNone 0 Either not a mouse movement or a mouse movement that is not a drag action.
visMouseMoveDragStatesOver 3 User is moving the dragged object within the drop-target window with the mouse.

When the DragState property returns visMouseMoveDragStatesBegin a drag and drop action is beginning. The DragState property returns visMouseMoveDragStatesBegin just once for each drag and drop action. At this point, you can cancel the drag and drop action entirely; if you do so, Visio fires no additional MouseMove events for any target windows.

When the DragState property returns visMouseMoveDragStatesEnter, an end-user is dragging an object into a drop-target window. This event is fired once per drop-target window. At this point, you can cancel the drag and drop action for that specific drop-target window.

When the DragState property returns visMouseMoveDragStatesOver, the user is dragging an object over a drop-target window. You can cancel the drag action, based on the type of window or on an x,y range within a window, as specified in your code. Canceling a drag action over the drop-target window prevents the end-user from completing the drag and drop action.

When the DragState property returns visMouseMoveDragStatesDrop, the drop-target window is receiving a drop. You can cancel the drop action, thus preventing the drop from occurring. When this occurs and you don't also cancel the drag action over the drop-target window, the end-user does not get any visual feedback to indicate that the drop action has been prevented.

When the DragState property returns visMouseMoveDragStatesLeave, the end-user is moving the mouse out of the drop-target window. There is no way for you to cancel this operation at this point, but there would also be no logical reason to do so.


This example shows how to create a class module that implements the IVisEventProc interface to handle events fired by the MouseEvent object. The module consists of the function VisEventProc, which uses a Select Case block to determine if the event that fired was a MouseMove event. If so, the code uses an If...Else block and the DragState property to determine the particular MouseMove event extension that fired.

Events other than MouseMove fall under the default case (Case Else). In both cases, the Case block constructs a string ( strMessage ) that contains the name and event code of the event that fired, including the drag-state extension and the x- and y- values of the location where the event fired, derived from the values of the MouseEvent.X and MouseEvent.Y properties. Finally, the function displays the message in the Immediate window.

Copy this sample code into a new class module in VBA or Visual Basic, naming the module clsEventSink. You can then use the event-sink module that follows to create an instance of the clsEventSink class and an Event object for the MouseMove event that sends notifications of event firings to the class instance.

Implements Visio.IVisEventProc 
'Declare visEvtAdd as a 2-byte value 
'to avoid a run-time overflow error 
Private Const visEvtAdd% = &H8000 
Private Function IVisEventProc_VisEventProc( _ 
    ByVal nEventCode As Integer, _ 
    ByVal pSourceObj As Object, _ 
    ByVal nEventID As Long, _ 
    ByVal nEventSeqNum As Long, _ 
    ByVal pSubjectObj As Object, _ 
    ByVal vMoreInfo As Variant) As Variant 
    Dim strMessage As String 
    'Find out which event and event extension fired 
    Select Case nEventCode 
        Case visEvtCodeMouseMove 
            Dim strInfo As String 
            If (pSubjectObj.DragState = visMouseMoveDragStatesOver) Then 
                strMessage = "MouseMove - dragOver (" + Str(pSubjectObj.x) + "," + Str(pSubjectObj.y) + ")" 
            ElseIf (pSubjectObj.DragState = visMouseMoveDragStatesBegin) Then 
               strMessage = "MouseMove - dragBegin (" + Str(pSubjectObj.x) + "," + Str(pSubjectObj.y) + ")" 
               If (pSubjectObj.Window.Index <> 1) Then 
                    IVisEventProc_VisEventProc = True       ' cancel for all windows except first one 
               End If 
            ElseIf (pSubjectObj.DragState = visMouseMoveDragStatesLeave) Then 
                strMessage = "MouseMove - dragLeave" 
            ElseIf (pSubjectObj.DragState = visMouseMoveDragStatesEnter) Then 
                strMessage = "MouseMove - dragEnter*******************************************" 
            ElseIf (pSubjectObj.DragState = visMouseMoveDragStatesDrop) Then 
                strMessage = "MouseMove - dragDrop" 
            End If 
        Case Else 
            strMessage = "Other (" & nEventCode & ")" 
    End Select 
    'Display the event name and the event code 
    If (Len(strMessage)) Then 
        Debug.Print strMessage 
    End If        
End Function

The following VBA module shows how to use the AddAdvise method to sink events. The module contains two public procedures.

The CreateEventObjects procedure creates an instance of a sink-object (event-handling) class named clsEventSink that gets passed to the AddAdvise method, and that receives notifications of events. In addition, the procedure creates a single Event object to send notifications of firings of the MouseMove event sourced by the Application object to the sink object.

The Initialize procedure calls the CreateEventObjects procedure to start listening to events.

The clsEventSink class implements the IVisEventProc interface.

Public Sub Initialize()     
End Sub 
Option Explicit  
Private mEventSink As clsEventSink  
Dim vsoApplicationEvents As Visio.EventList  
Dim vsoMouseMoveEvent As Visio.Event    
'Declare visEvtAdd as a 2-byte value 
'to avoid a run-time overflow error 
Private Const visEvtAdd% = &H8000  
Public Sub CreateEventObjects()  
    'Create an instance of the clsEventSink class 
    'to pass to the AddAdvise method. 
    Set mEventSink = New clsEventSink  
    'Get the EventList collection of the current instance of the Visio Application object 
    Set vsoApplicationEvents = Application.EventList  
   'Add an Event object that sends notifications of the MouseMove event. 
    Set vsoMouseMoveEvent = vsoApplicationEvents.AddAdvise(visEvtCodeMouseMove, mEventSink, "", "Mouse moved...")      
End Sub

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