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Address book

This section provides sample tasks that involve address books. Address books are used to provide an addressing system for users to communicate electronically. Examples of address book providers include the Exchange Global Address List (GAL), Outlook Address Book, Exchange containers, and offline address book (OAB).

In this section

Topic Description
Display in the Select Names dialog box the address book corresponding to a Contacts folder Obtains the address book that corresponds to the default Contacts folder, and then displays the address book in the Select Names dialog box.
Get the Global Address List or a set of address lists for a store Contains two code examples that show how to get the Global Address List (GAL) that is associated with a store, and how to get all of the address lists that are associated with a store.
Enumerate the entries in the Global Address List Enumerates the first 100 primary Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) addresses in the Global Address List (GAL).
Display the address lists for a profile Displays the address lists for the current profile.

See also