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Container layouts

Containers such as Container, Column, TableCell, or an Adaptive Card itself support three different types of layouts:

  • Layout.Stack stacks elements on top of each other and is the default layout.
  • Layout.Flow spreads elements horizontally and wraps them across multiple rows, as needed.
  • Layout.AreaGrid divides the container into named areas in to which elements can be placed through the grid.area property which can be set on any element.


A layout that stacks elements on top of each other. Layout.Stack is the default layout used by an Adaptive Card and all containers.

Here are the properties of the Layout.Stack layout:

Name Required Type Description
type ✔️ String Must be Layout.Stack.
targetWidth String Controls the card width for which the layout must be used. If targetWidth isn't specified, the element is rendered at all card widths. Using targetWidth makes it possible to author responsive cards that adapt their layout to the available horizontal space.
For more information, see Adaptive Card responsive layout.
Allowed values: VeryNarrow, Narrow, Standard, Wide, atLeast:VeryNarrow, atMost:VeryNarrow, atLeast:Narrow, atMost:Narrow, atLeast:Standard, atMost:Standard, atLeast:Wide, atMost:Wide


A layout that spreads elements horizontally and wraps them across multiple rows, as needed.

Use Layout.Flow to lay out lists of elements such as images without having to worry about the amount of horizontal space available. The width and alignment of elements can be tuned as desired. Each row automatically gets the appropriate height, and spacing between columns and rows is configurable and automatically enforced.


Top-left alignment

Screenshot shows an Adaptive Card container layout with elements stacked top-left.

Horizontally and vertically centered

Screenshot shows an Adaptive Card with a horizontally and vertically centered container layout.

Always fill the available space on each row

Screenshot shows an Adaptive Card with a filled container layout.


Don't use the maxItemWidth property with itemFit: fill. By definition, maxItemWidth prevents items from exceeding a certain width, which is incompatible with filling the remaining available space on a row by slightly enlarging each element in that row. Use the itemWidth property instead.

Here are the properties of the Layout.Stack layout:

Name Type Default Description
type String Must be Layout.Stack.
columnSpacing String "Default" The space between items.
Allowed values: None, ExtraSmall, Small, Default, Medium, Large, ExtraLarge, Padding
horizontalItemsAlignment String "Center" Controls how the content of the container must be horizontally aligned.
Allowed values: Left, Center, Right
itemFit String "Fit" Controls how item must fit inside the container.
Allowed values: Fit, Fill
itemWidth String The width, in pixels, of each item, in the <number>px format. Mustn't be used if maxItemWidth or minItemWidth, or both are set.
Allowed values: <number>px
maxItemWidth String The maximum width, in pixels, of each item, in the <number>px format. Mustn't be used if itemWidth is set.
Allowed values: <number>px
minItemWidth String 0 The minimum width, in pixels, of each item, in the <number>px format. Mustn't be used if itemWidth is set.
Allowed values: <number>px
rowSpacing String Default The space between rows of items.
Allowed values: None, ExtraSmall, Small, Default, Medium, Large, ExtraLarge, Padding
targetWidth String Controls for which card width the layout must be used. If targetWidth isn't specified, the element is rendered at all card widths. Using targetWidth makes it possible to author responsive cards that adapt their layout to the available horizontal space.
For more information, see Adaptive Card responsive layout.
Allowed values: VeryNarrow, Narrow, Standard, Wide, atLeast:VeryNarrow, atMost:VeryNarrow, atLeast:Narrow, atMost:Narrow, atLeast:Standard, atMost:Standard, atLeast:Wide, atMost:Wide
verticalItemsAlignment String Top Controls how the content of the container must be vertically aligned.
Allowed values: Top, Center, Bottom


A layout that divides a container into named areas into which elements can be placed.

Use Layout.AreaGrid to organize elements in an Adaptive Card, Container, Column, or TableCell into a grid. Layout.AreaGrid is useful for designing responsive cards: define multiple Layout.AreaGrid layouts on a single container and target them at different card widths to automatically switch from one layout to another at runtime according to the available width. To assign an element in the container to a specific area in the grid, its grid.area property must be set.


Screenshot shows an Adaptive Card container with an area grid layout.

Here are the properties of the Layout.AreaGrid layout:

Name Type Default Description
type String Must be Layout.AreaGrid.
areas Array of objects The areas in the grid layout.
Allowed values: GridArea
columns Array of numbers or strings The columns in the grid layout, defined as a percentage of the available width or in pixels using the <number>px format.
columnSpacing String Default The space between columns.
Allowed values: None, ExtraSmall, Small, Default, Medium, Large, ExtraLarge, Padding.
rowSpacing String Default The space between rows.
Allowed values: None, ExtraSmall, Small, Default, Medium, Large, ExtraLarge, Padding.
targetWidth String Controls for which card width the layout must be used. Mustn't be used if itemWidth is set. If targetWidth isn't specified, the element is rendered at all card widths. Using targetWidth makes it possible to author responsive cards that adapt their layout to the available horizontal space.
For more information, see Adaptive Card responsive layout.
Allowed values: VeryNarrow, Narrow, Standard, Wide, atLeast:VeryNarrow, atMost:VeryNarrow, atLeast:Narrow, atMost:Narrow, atLeast:Standard, atMost:Standard, atLeast:Wide, atMost:Wide


Defines an area in a Layout.AreaGrid layout.

Here are the properties of the GridArea array:

Name Type Default Description
columns Number 1 The start column index of the area. Column indices start at 1.
columnSpan Number 1 Defines how many columns the area must span.
name String The name of the area. To place an element in this area, set its grid.area property to match the name of the area.
row Number 1 The start row index of the area. Row indices start at 1.
rowSpan Number 1 Defines how many rows the area must span.

Using Container layouts to implement responsive layout

Container layouts can be used to implement responsive layouts, as it's possible to associate multiple layouts with a single container, each dedicated to a specific card width. At runtime, the appropriate layout is automatically used to arrange elements in the available width.

For example, if you want to define a card with a typical layout where:

  • There's an image on the left
  • Text on the right of the image

However, the text must appear below the image when there isn't enough horizontal space.

This can be done using Layout.AreaGrid:

Screenshot shows an Adaptive Card in different layouts.

How it works

Here, the layouts property is defined on the whole card:

    "type": "Layout.AreaGrid",
    "targetWidth": "atLeast:standard",
    "columns": [
    "areas": [
            "name": "image"
            "name": "text",
            "column": 2

Which means:

  • Organize elements in the card in a grid layout only when the width of the card is at least standard (which corresponds to the typical width of a card in a Teams chat, for example).
    • If the width of the card is less than standard, use the default layout, Layout.Stack.
  • The grid layout has at least one column that must use 60% of the available space. The grid might have other columns (depending on how areas are defined) but because they aren't defined, they each share an equal portion of the remaining space.
  • Two areas are defined:
    • One for the image, which maps to the first column and first row of the grid.
    • One for the text, which covers the second column and first row.


Specifying the layouts property is not required. When no explicit layout is specified, the container will use a Layout.Stack layout.

The elements in the card's body are assigned a grid area through the grid.area property:

    "type": "Container",
    "grid.area": "textArea", // The text container is assigned to the textArea
    "items": [
    "type": "Image",
    "url": "...",
    "grid.area": "imageArea", // The Image is assigned to the imageArea
    "style": "RoundedCorners",
    "targetWidth": "atLeast:narrow" // Also notice the image is set to not display at all at the "very narrow" width

Code sample

Name Description .Node.js .NET
Cards Formatting This sample app demonstrates the various container layouts in Adaptive Cards. View View

See also