What's New in DevTools (Microsoft Edge 104)

These are the latest features in the Stable release of Microsoft Edge DevTools.

Video: What's new in DevTools 104

Thumbnail image for video "What's new in DevTools 104"

Use Layers in 3D View

The standalone Layers tool has been removed in Microsoft Edge version 104. In previous versions of Microsoft Edge, the Layers tool redirected users to the 3D View tool.

In the 3D View tool, the Composited Layers view has all the features you love from the Layers tool, along with some updates. The Composited Layers view is now complemented by two other visual debugging panes: DOM and Z-index. Combine these additional views with the Composited Layers view for better debugging.

The Composited Layers tab in the 3D View tool

See also:

In Issues tool, long request URLs have been shortened

The Issues tool provides recommendations to improve a web page's accessibility, performance, security, and more. Some of these recommendations include a link to a network request that opens in the Network tool.

Previously, issues related to network requests displayed the entire URL for the network request. When these URLs were lengthy, they took up a lot of space, making the list of issues difficult to browse. In Microsoft Edge 104, these long request URL links have been truncated to take up less space. The links still direct to the relevant part of the Network tool.

In previous versions of Microsoft Edge:

Issues tool showing a long URL, making the issue entry too tall

In Microsoft Edge version 104:

Issues tool showing the URL truncated to save vertical space

See also:

Improved accessibility for the Detached Elements tool

In previous versions of Microsoft Edge, when selecting the table of detached elements in the Detached Elements feature, assistive technology only announced "Table" and the number of rows and columns. In Microsoft Edge version 104, this issue has been fixed. When selecting the table of detached elements in the Detached Elements feature, assistive technology now announces "Detached Elements List, Table" and the number of rows and columns.

Detached Elements List, Table, 5 rows, 3 columns

See also:

Fix: Arrows representing web socket traffic now render correctly in the Network tool

In previous versions of Microsoft Edge, when inspecting web socket traffic in the Network tool, the arrows representing whether a message was sent from the client or server were not rendering correctly. In Microsoft Edge 104, this issue has been fixed. Thank you for sending us your feedback about this issue!

  • Green up-arrows (Green up arrow) represent messages sent by the client.
  • Red down-arrows (Red down arrow) represent messages sent by the server.

Network tool

See also:

Announcements from the Chromium project

Microsoft Edge 104 also includes the following updates from the Chromium project:

See also