Script di attività - Delete
Di seguito sono riportati gli script PowerShell per Delete - EDU assignments, Exports - EDU assignments e Get - user classes.
Delete - EDU assignments
Delete the Edu Assignments data of a user in a set of classes specified in csv file.
The script reads the class details of user from input csv file. Get the assignments and submissions of each assignment and then delete the submissions, it also generate a report file(DeleteAssignmentsReport.csv) for extra information of call information. when the deletion of submission is done it updates the DeleteSubmissionsProcessed column to true for that specific class. If the script fails in between we can rerun the script with the same input file, because the file will be updated for last deletion of submission.
.\Delete-EduAssignments.ps1 -userClassDetailsFile <full path of user class details csv file>
This will delete all the submissions but does not remove the user info from class
.\Delete-EduAssignments.ps1 -userClassDetailsFile <full path of user class details csv file> -removeMemberFromClass
This will delete all the submissions and remove the user info from class
.Parameter userClassDetailsFile
This is the csv file(userClassDetails.csv) which is the output of Get-UserClasses.ps1 script. This file have information about the user classes and whether the deletion and get submissions are processed. This value should be full path of the file(drive:\GDPR\userClassDetails.csv)
.Switch Parameter removeMemberFromClass
When we use this parameter it will remove the user info from each class
We need to have the Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll and Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.WindowsForms.dll are required
if(-Not ($_ | Test-Path)) {
throw "The userClassDetailsFile does not exist."
if(-Not ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Leaf) ){
throw "The userClassDetailsFile argument must be a file. Folder paths are not allowed."
if($_ -notmatch "(\.csv)"){
throw "The userClassDetailsFile should be a comma-separated file, generated using Get-UserClasses.ps1"
return $true
[string] $userClassDetailsFile,
[switch] $removeMemberFromClass
# Load ADAL
Add-Type -Path ".\ADAL\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll"
$educationEndpoint = ""
$script:userClassDetails = @()
$script:deleteAssignmentsReport = @()
$script:maxRetryAttempt = 3
$script:authHeaders = $null
$script:authenticationResult = $null
$graphEndpoint = ""
$authString = ""
#Get the authheaders
function Get-AuthHeaders
[bool] $useRefreshToken = $false
$clientId = "eb2298a1-a6bb-4f16-a27a-b582815db47b"
$redirectURI = New-Object System.Uri("urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob")
$promptBehavior = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.PromptBehavior]::Always
$authContext = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext" -ArgumentList $authString
if($useRefreshToken -eq $false)
$script:authenticationResult = $authContext.AcquireToken($graphEndpoint, $clientID, $redirectURI, $promptBehavior)
$script:authenticationResult = $authContext.AcquireTokenByRefreshToken($script:authenticationResult.RefreshToken, $clientId)
$authHeader = $script:authenticationResult.AccessTokenType + " " + $script:authenticationResult.AccessToken
$headers = @{"Authorization" = $authHeader; "Content-Type" = "Application/json"}
return $headers
#Retry logic and logging of errors for script
function Invoke-RequestWithRetry
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateSet('Get','Delete', ignorecase=$true)]$httpmethod,
for($i=1; $i -le $script:maxRetryAttempt; $i++)
$APIResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $httpmethod -Uri $url -Headers $script:authHeaders
$resultCount = 0
if($OperationName -eq "GetAssignments")
$valueStartIndex = ($APIResult.content.indexof('"value":') + 8)
$valueEndIndex = $APIResult.content.Length
$valueString = $APIResult.content.substring($valueStartIndex, $valueEndIndex-$valueStartIndex -1)
$resultCount = (($valuestring | select-string '"classId":' -AllMatches ).Matches.Count)
$submissionsJson = $APIResult.content | ConvertFrom-Json
$resultCount = $submissionsJson.value.count
$script:deleteAssignmentsReport += [PSCustomObject]@{
RequestUrl = $url
Method = $httpmethod
ResponseCode = $APIResult.StatusCode
ClassName = $className
ClassId = $classId
RequestId = $APIResult.Headers["request-id"]
StatusDescription = $APIResult.StatusDescription
NumberOfAttempts = $i
OperationName = $OperationName
ResultCount = $resultCount
return $APIResult
if($_.Exception.Response -ne $null)
$responseCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__
$requestId = $_.Exception.Response.Headers["request-id"]
$script:deleteAssignmentsReport += [PSCustomObject]@{
RequestUrl = $url
Method = $httpmethod
ResponseCode = $responseCode
ClassName = $className
ClassId = $classId
RequestId = $requestId
StatusDescription = $_.Exception.Message
NumberOfAttempts = $i
OperationName = $OperationName
ResultCount = $resultCount
if($i -eq $script:maxRetryAttempt)
throw $_
if($responseCode -eq 401)
$script:authHeaders = Get-AuthHeaders -useRefreshToken $true
#Remove member from class
function Remove-MemberFromClass
$removeMemberUrl = "{0}/v1.0/groups/{1}/members/{2}/`$ref" -f $graphEndpoint, $($classDetails.ClassId), $($classDetails.UserId)
Invoke-RequestWithRetry -url $removeMemberUrl -httpmethod Delete -classId $($classDetails.ClassId) -className $($classDetails.ClassName) -OperationName "RemoveMemberfromClass" | Out-Null
throw $_
function Delete-Assignments
$classId = $classDetail.ClassId
$className = $classDetail.ClassName
$userId = $classDetail.UserId
$role = $classDetail.Role
$getAssignmentsUri = ("{0}/classes('{1}')/assignments?TargetUserId={2}&UserClassRole={3}" -f $educationEndpoint, $classId, $userId, $role)
$assignments = $null
$assignments = Invoke-RequestWithRetry -url $getAssignmentsUri -httpmethod Get -classId $classId -className $className -OperationName "GetAssignments"
if($assignments -ne $null -and $assignments.content -ne $null -and $role -eq "Student"))
$assignmentsCount = ((($assignments.content) | ConvertFrom-Json).value).count
Write-Host "Retrieved $assignmentsCount Assignments for $className class"
$assignmentsTracker = 0
foreach($assignment in (($assignments.content) | ConvertFrom-Json).value)
$assignmentName = $assignment.displayName
$assignmentId = $
$submissions = $assignment.submissions
Write-Host "Deleting submissions for $($assignmentName)"
$submissionsTracker = 0
foreach($submission in $submissions)
$deleteSDSSubmissionUri = "{0}/beta/education/classes/{1}/assignments/{2}/submissions/{3}?TargetUserId={4}&UserClassRole=Student" -f $graphEndpoint, $classId, $assignmentId, $($, $userId
if(($submissionsTracker -eq ($submissions.Length -1)) -and ($assignmentsTracker -eq ($assignmentsCount - 1)) -and ($removeMemberFromClass.IsPresent))
Write-Host "Deleting submission and classinfo for user"
$deleteSDSSubmissionUri = $deleteSDSSubmissionUri + "&CleanupUserClassData=true"
$deleteResponse = Invoke-RequestWithRetry -url $deleteSDSSubmissionUri -httpmethod Delete -classId $classId -className $className -OperationName "DeleteSubmission"
if($deleteResponse -ne $null -and $deleteResponse.Content.Length -ne 0 -and $submissionsTracker -eq ($submissions.Length -1))
$classDetail.DeleteSubmissionsProcessed = "True"
$script:userClassDetails | Export-Csv -Path $($directoryPathOfFile) -NoTypeInformation -Force
throw $_
$directoryPathOfFile = (Get-Item -path $($userClassDetailsFile)).FullName
$script:authHeaders = Get-AuthHeaders
$script:userClassDetails = import-csv $userClassDetailsFile
$progressTracker = 0;
foreach($classDetail in $script:userClassDetails)
Write-Progress -Activity "Deleting Assignments for user" -Status "Processing for class: $classDetail.classId" -PercentComplete ($progressTracker/$script:userClassDetails.count * 100)
if($classDetail.DeleteSubmissionsProcessed -eq "False")
Write-Host "Deleting user from $($classDetail.ClassName)"
Remove-MemberFromClass -classDetails $classDetail
Write-host "Deleting Assignments of user for $($classDetails.ClassName)"
Delete-Assignments -classDetails $classDetail
write-Error $_.Exception.Message
$directoryPath = (Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName
$script:deleteAssignmentsReport | Export-Csv -Path .\DeleteAssignmentsReport.csv -NoTypeInformation -Force
Write-Host "Report file(DeleteAssignmentsReport.csv) is generated at $directoryPath\DeleteAssignmentsReport.csv"
Write-Host "Updated Class details file($($directoryPathOfFile)) and generated updated file is at $($directoryPathOfFile)"