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Come modificare le piattaforme supportate per un programma

L'applicazione può aggiungere piattaforme supportate a un pacchetto, in Configuration Manager, ottenendo istanze specifiche delle SMS_Package classi e SMS_Program e quindi aggiungendo un'istanza della SMS_OS_Details classe alla SupportedOperatingSystems proprietà .

Per modificare le piattaforme supportate per un programma

  1. Configurare una connessione al provider SMS.

  2. Ottenere un oggetto pacchetto esistente usando la SMS_Package classe .

  3. Ottenere un oggetto programma esistente usando la SMS_Program classe .

  4. Creare e popolare un'istanza della SMS_OS_Details classe .

  5. Aggiungere la nuova SMS_OS_Details istanza alla SupportedOperatingSystems proprietà dell'oggetto programma (dal passaggio 3).


Il metodo di esempio seguente illustra come aggiungere piattaforme supportate per un programma.


Una leggera variazione di questo esempio potrebbe modificare i valori delle proprietà per tutti i programmi associati a un pacchetto specifico. Per un esempio, vedere l'esempio di codice How to List All Programs and Their Maximum Run Time Value (Come elencare tutti i programmi e il relativo valore di runtime massimo ). Tuttavia, per un metodo più efficiente per accedere a un programma specifico, usando PackageID e ProgramName, vedere l'esempio di codice How to Modify Program Properties .

Per informazioni sulla chiamata del codice di esempio, vedere Chiamata di frammenti di codice Configuration Manager.

Sub ModifySupportedPlatformsForProgram(connection,          _  
                                       existingPackageID,   _  
                                       existingProgramName, _  
                                       newMaxVersion,       _  
                                       newMinVersion,       _  
                                       newName,             _  

' Define a constant with the hexadecimal value for RUN_ON_ANY_PLATFORM.   
    Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 16  
    Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = 32  
    Const RUN_ON_ANY_PLATFORM = &H08000000  
    Dim packageQuery  
    Dim package  
    Dim allProgramsForPackage  
    Dim programQuery  
    Dim program  
    Dim programPath  
    Dim checkPlatformValue  
    Dim tempSupportedPlatform  
    Dim tempSupportedPlatformsArray  
    ' Build a query to get the specified package.   
     packageQuery = "SMS_Package.PackageID='" & existingPackageID & "'"  
    ' Run the query to get the package.   
    Set package = connection.Get(packageQuery)      
    ' Output package name and ID.   
    WScript.Echo "Package ID:     "  & package.PackageID  
    WScript.Echo "Package Name:   "  & package.Name      
    ' Build a query to get the programs for the package.   
    programQuery = "SELECT * FROM SMS_Program WHERE PackageID='" & existingPackageID & "'"      
    ' Run the query to get the programs.   
    Set allProgramsForPackage = connection.ExecQuery(programQuery, , wbemFlagForwardOnly Or wbemFlagReturnImmediately)      
    'The query returns a collection of program objects that needs to be enumerated.   
    For Each program In allProgramsForPackage                         
        If program.ProgramName = existingProgramName Then              
            ' Get all program object properties (in this case we specifically need some lazy properties).   
            programPath = program.Put_  
            programPath = Mid(programPath, InStr(1, programPath, ":") + 1)   
            Set program = connection.Get(programPath)   
            ' Check whether RUN_ON_ANY_PLATFORM is set.   
            checkPlatformValue = (program.ProgramFlags AND RUN_ON_ANY_PLATFORM)   
            If checkPlatformValue <> 0 Then  
               ' RUN_ON_ANY_PLATFORM is set. Removing RUN_ON_ANY_PLATFORM value.   
                program.ProgramFlags = (program.ProgramFlags XOR RUN_ON_ANY_PLATFORM)   
            End If                           
            ' Output the program name that is being checked for supported platforms.   
            WScript.Echo "Program Name: "  & program.ProgramName             
            ' Create  
            Set tempSupportedPlatform = connection.Get("SMS_OS_Details").SpawnInstance_  
            ' Populate tempSupportedPlatform values.   
            tempSupportedPlatform.MaxVersion = newMaxVersion  
            tempSupportedPlatform.MinVersion = newMinVersion  
            tempSupportedPlatform.Name       = newName  
            tempSupportedPlatform.Platform   = newPlatform  
            ' Get the array of supported operating systems.   
            tempSupportedPlatformsArray = program.SupportedOperatingSystems  
            ' Add the new supported platform values (object) to the temporary array.   
            ReDim Preserve tempSupportedPlatformsArray (Ubound(tempSupportedPlatformsArray) + 1)   
            Set tempSupportedPlatformsArray(Ubound(tempSupportedPlatformsArray)) = tempSupportedPlatform  
            ' Replace the SupportedOperatingSystems object array with the new updated array.   
            program.SupportedOperatingSystems = tempSupportedPlatformsArray  
            ' Save the program.   
            ' Output success message.   
            WScript.Echo "Supported Platforms Updated "  
        End If  
End Sub  

public void ModifyProgramSupportedPlatforms(WqlConnectionManager connection,  
                                    string existingPackageID,  
                                    string existingProgramNameToModify,  
                                    string newMaxVersion,  
                                    string newMinVersion,  
                                    string newName,  
                                    string newPlatform)  
        // Define a constant with the hexadecimal value for RUN_ON_ANY_PLATFORM.   
        const Int32 RUN_ON_ANY_PLATFORM = 0x08000000;  

        // Build query to get the programs for the package.   
        string query = "SELECT * FROM SMS_Program WHERE PackageID='" + existingPackageID + "'";  

        // Load the specific program to change (programname is a key value and must be unique).  
        IResultObject programsForPackage = connection.QueryProcessor.ExecuteQuery(query);  

        // The query returns a collection that needs to be enumerated.  
        foreach (IResultObject program in programsForPackage)  
            // If a match for the program name is found, make the change(s).  
            if (program["ProgramName"].StringValue == existingProgramNameToModify)  
                // Get all properties, specifically the lazy properties, for the program object.  

                // Check whether RUN_ON_ANY_PLATFORM is already set.  
                Int32 checkPlatformValue = (program["ProgramFlags"].IntegerValue & RUN_ON_ANY_PLATFORM);  

                if (checkPlatformValue != 0)  
                    // RUN_ON_ANY_PLATFORM is set. Removing RUN_ON_ANY_PLATFORM value.  
                    program["ProgramFlags"].IntegerValue = program["ProgramFlags"].IntegerValue ^ RUN_ON_ANY_PLATFORM;  

                // Create a new array list to hold the supported platform window objects.  
                List<IResultObject> tempSupportedPlatformsArray = new List<IResultObject>();  

                // Create and populate a temporary SMS_OS_Details object with the new operating system values.  
                IResultObject tempSupportedPlatformsObject = connection.CreateEmbeddedObjectInstance("SMS_OS_Details");  

                // Populate temporary SMS_OS_Details object with the new supported platforms values.  
                tempSupportedPlatformsObject["MaxVersion"].StringValue = newMaxVersion;  
                tempSupportedPlatformsObject["MinVersion"].StringValue = newMinVersion;  
                tempSupportedPlatformsObject["Name"].StringValue = newName;  
                tempSupportedPlatformsObject["Platform"].StringValue = newPlatform;  

                // Populate the local array list with the existing supported platform objects (type SMS_OS_Details).  
                tempSupportedPlatformsArray = program.GetArrayItems("SupportedOperatingSystems");  

                // Add the newly created service window object to the local array list.  

                // Replace the existing service window objects from the target collection with the temporary array that includes the new service window.  
                program.SetArrayItems("SupportedOperatingSystems", tempSupportedPlatformsArray);  

                // Save the new values in the collection settings instance associated with the Collection ID.  

                // Output program name.  
                Console.WriteLine("Modified program: " + program["ProgramName"].StringValue);  
    catch (SmsException ex)  
        Console.WriteLine("Failed to modify the program. Error: " + ex.Message);  

Il metodo di esempio include i parametri seguenti:

Parametro Tipo Descrizione
connection -Gestito: WqlConnectionManager
- VBScript: SWbemServices
Connessione valida al provider SMS.
existingPackageID -Gestito: String
-Vbscript: String
ID pacchetto per un pacchetto esistente.
existingProgramName -Gestito: String
-Vbscript: String
Nome del programma per un programma esistente.
newMaxVersion -Gestito: String
-Vbscript: String
Versione massima supportata.
newMinVersionsion -Gestito: String
-Vbscript: String
Versione minima supportata.
newName -Gestito: String
-Vbscript: String
Nome del programma modificato.
newPlatform -Gestito: String
-Vbscript: String
La nuova piattaforma.

Compilazione del codice

L'esempio C# richiede:




Microsoft. ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider

Microsoft. ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine





Programmazione efficiente

Per altre informazioni sulla gestione degli errori, vedere Informazioni sugli errori di Configuration Manager.

Vedere anche

Panoramica sulla distribuzione dei software