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Recruiter System Connect - Required Fields

To ensure a consistent experience for customers using Recruiter System Connect below are the fields required to sync per category.


  • LinkedIn strictly audits partner behavior to ensure good user experience. If required fields are not available in your ATS system, instead of sending incorrect values, we strongly suggest you get in touch with your LinkedIn Business Development point of contact and inform them.
Category Field Description Format Required
Sync Jobs integrationContext Organization this job posting is created for. Must be in the format urn:li:organization:1234 URN Yes
Sync Jobs externalJobPostingId Unique job id within the applicant tracking system. String Yes
Sync Jobs title Title of this job posting String (Max 200 Characters) Yes
Sync Jobs description Custom description of the job posting. String Yes
Sync Jobs location Geographic location of the job position. Must be in the format "CITY,STATE" or "CITY,COUNTRY". String Only if countryCode and postalCode are not provided
Sync Jobs countryCode Country code of the job position. String Only if location is not provided
Sync Jobs postalCode Postal code of the job position. String Only if location is not provided
Sync Jobs state Defines the current state of the job. Must be either "LISTED" or "CLOSED". String Yes
Sync Jobs companyApplyUrl Where to redirect applicants to in order to apply for the job. String Yes
Sync Jobs listedAt Date job posting was added to partner's system. Epoch in Milliseconds (UTC) Yes
Sync Candidates atsCreatedAt Date record was created in your ATS UTC Epoch Milliseconds Yes
Sync Candidates atsLastModifiedAt Date record was last updated in your ATS UTC Epoch Milliseconds Yes
Sync Candidates emailAddresses List of candidate email addresses. Array of email addresses Yes, if no Person URN
Sync Candidates externalProfileUrl Link to the candidate in your system String Yes
Sync Candidates firstName Candidate's first name String Yes
Sync Candidates lastName Candidate's last name String Yes
Sync Candidates manualMatchedMember LinkedIn Person URN received from One-Click Export. Person URN Yes, if no email address
Sync Applications atsCandidateId Candidate's unique identifier in your ATS String Yes, if data is available.
Sync Applications atsCreatedAt Date record was created in your ATS UTC Epoch Milliseconds Yes
Sync Applications atsLastModifiedAt Date record was last updated in your ATS UTC Epoch Milliseconds Yes
Sync Applications atsJobPostingId Unique identifier in your ATS of the job being applied to. String Yes
Sync Applications atsJobPostingName Name in your ATS of the job being applied to. String Yes
Sync Applications candidateEmail Candidate email addresses as entered on the application EmailAddress Yes
Sync Applications dispositionReason Indicates the reason the candidate was not hired. String Yes, if data is available.
Sync Applications firstName Candidate's first name as entered on the application String Yes
Sync Applications lastName Candidate's last name as entered on the application String Yes
Sync Applications source Where the application originated within your ATS. For example, "Monster", "Referral", or "Career Fair". String Yes
Sync Applications media The media urn of the resume you uploaded in step b). Note that this token will expire 24 hours after it is obtained. Media URN Yes, if resume is available.
Sync Application Stages atsCreatedAt Date record was created in your ATS UTC Epoch Milliseconds Yes
Sync Application Stages stage Stage in which the application stayed supplied by external ATS (e.g. Phone Screen, Onsite Interview, Rejected, Hired, etc.). String Yes