HDInsight SDK for Java
The HDInsight SDK for Java provides classes and methods that allow you to manage your HDInsight clusters. It includes operations to create, delete, update, list, resize, execute script actions, monitor, get properties of HDInsight clusters, and more.
- An Azure account. If you don't have one, get a free trial.
- A supported Java Development Kit (JDK). For more information about the JDKs available for use when developing on Azure, see https://aka.ms/azure-jdks.
- Maven
SDK Installation
The HDInsight SDK for Java is available through Maven here. Add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
You will also need to add the following dependencies to your pom.xml:
Azure Client Authentication Library:
<dependency> <groupId>com.microsoft.azure</groupId> <artifactId>azure-client-authentication</artifactId> <version>1.6.5</version> </dependency>
Azure Java Client Runtime For ARM:
<dependency> <groupId>com.microsoft.azure</groupId> <artifactId>azure-arm-client-runtime</artifactId> <version>1.6.5</version> </dependency>
The SDK first needs to be authenticated with your Azure subscription. Follow the example below to create a service principal and use it to authenticate. After this is done, you will have an instance of an HDInsightManagementClientImpl
, which contains many methods (outlined in below sections) that can be used to perform management operations.
There are other ways to authenticate besides the below example that could potentially be better suited for your needs. All methods are outlined here: Authenticate with the Azure management libraries for Java
Authentication Example Using a Service Principal
First, login to Azure Cloud Shell. Verify you are currently using the subscription in which you want the service principal created.
az account show
Your subscription information is displayed as JSON.
"environmentName": "AzureCloud",
"isDefault": true,
"name": "XXXXXXX",
"state": "Enabled",
"user": {
"cloudShellID": true,
"name": "XXX@XXX.XXX",
"type": "user"
If you're not logged into the correct subscription, select the correct one by running:
az account set -s <name or ID of subscription>
If you have not already registered the HDInsight Resource Provider by another method (such as by creating an HDInsight Cluster through the Azure Portal), you need to do this once before you can authenticate. This can be done from the Azure Cloud Shell by running the following command:
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.HDInsight
Next, choose a name for your service principal and create it with the following command:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <Service Principal Name> --sdk-auth
The service principal information is displayed as JSON.
"activeDirectoryEndpointUrl": "https://login.microsoftonline.com",
"resourceManagerEndpointUrl": "https://management.azure.com/",
"activeDirectoryGraphResourceId": "https://graph.windows.net/",
"sqlManagementEndpointUrl": "https://management.core.windows.net:8443/",
"galleryEndpointUrl": "https://gallery.azure.com/",
"managementEndpointUrl": "https://management.core.windows.net/"
Copy the below snippet and fill in TENANT_ID
with the strings from the JSON that was returned after running the command to create the service principal.
import com.microsoft.azure.management.hdinsight.v2018_06_01_preview.*;
import com.microsoft.azure.management.hdinsight.v2018_06_01_preview.implementation.HDInsightManagementClientImpl;
public class Main {
public static void main (String[] args) {
// Tenant ID for your Azure Subscription
String TENANT_ID = "";
// Your Service Principal App Client ID
String CLIENT_ID = "";
// Your Service Principal Client Secret
String CLIENT_SECRET = "";
// Azure Subscription ID
ApplicationTokenCredentials credentials = new ApplicationTokenCredentials(
HDInsightManagementClientImpl client = new HDInsightManagementClientImpl(credentials)
Cluster Management
This section assumes you have already authenticated and constructed an HDInsightManagementClientImpl
instance and store it in a variable called client
. Instructions for authenticating and obtaining an HDInsightManagementClientImpl
can be found in the Authentication section above.
Create a Cluster
A new cluster can be created by calling client.clusters().create()
Code samples for creating several common types of HDInsight clusters are available: HDInsight Java Samples.
This example demonstrates how to create a Spark cluster with 2 head nodes and 1 worker node.
You first need to create a Resource Group and Storage Account, as explained below. If you have already created these, you can skip these steps.
Creating a Resource Group
You can create a resource group using the Azure Cloud Shell by running
az group create -l <Region Name (i.e. eastus)> --n <Resource Group Name>
Creating a Storage Account
You can create a storage account using the Azure Cloud Shell by running:
az storage account create -n <Storage Account Name> -g <Existing Resource Group Name> -l <Region Name (i.e. eastus)> --sku <SKU i.e. Standard_LRS>
Now run the following command to get the key for your storage account (you will need this to create a cluster):
az storage account keys list -n <Storage Account Name>
The below Java snippet creates a Spark cluster with 2 head nodes and 1 worker node. Fill in the blank variables as explained in the comments and feel free to change other parameters to suit your specific needs.
// The name for the cluster you are creating
String clusterName = "";
// The name of your existing Resource Group
String resourceGroupName = "";
// Choose a username
String username = "";
// Choose a password
String password = "";
// Replace <> with the name of your storage account
String storageAccount = "<>.blob.core.windows.net";
// Storage account key you obtained above
String storageAccountKey = "";
// Choose a region
String location = "";
String container = "default";
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> configurations = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>();
HashMap<String, String> gateway = new HashMap<String, String>();
gateway.put("restAuthCredential.enabled_credential", "True");
gateway.put("restAuthCredential.username", username);
gateway.put("restAuthCredential.password", password);
configurations.put("gateway", gateway);
ClusterCreateParametersExtended parameters = new ClusterCreateParametersExtended()
new ClusterCreateProperties()
.withClusterDefinition(new ClusterDefinition()
.withComputeProfile(new ComputeProfile()
new Role()
.withHardwareProfile(new HardwareProfile()
.withOsProfile(new OsProfile()
.withLinuxOperatingSystemProfile(new LinuxOperatingSystemProfile()
new Role()
.withHardwareProfile(new HardwareProfile()
.withOsProfile(new OsProfile()
.withLinuxOperatingSystemProfile(new LinuxOperatingSystemProfile()
.withStorageProfile(new StorageProfile()
new StorageAccount()
client.clusters().create(resourceGroupName, clusterName, parameters);
Get Cluster Details
To get properties for a given cluster:
client.clusters.getByResourceGroup("<Resource Group Name>", "<Cluster Name>");
You can use get
to confirm that you have successfully created your cluster.
ClusterInner cluster = client.clusters().getByResourceGroup("<Resource Group Name>", "<Cluster Name>");
System.out.println(cluster.name()); //Prints the name of the cluster
System.out.println(cluster.id()); //Prints the resource Id of the cluster
The output should look like:
<Cluster Name>
/subscriptions/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/<Cluster Name>
List Clusters
List Clusters Under The Subscription
List Clusters By Resource Group
client.clusters.listByResourceGroup("<Resource Group Name>");
Both List()
and ListByResourceGroup()
return a PagedList<ClusterInner>
object. Calling loadNext()
returns a list of clusters on that page and advances the ClusterPaged
object to the next page. This can be repeated until hasNextPage()
return false
, indicating that there are no more pages.
The following example prints the properties of all clusters for the current subscription:
PagedList<ClusterInner> clusterPages = client.clusters().list();
while (true) {
for (ClusterInner cluster : clusterPages.currentPage().items()) {
if (clusterPages.hasNextPage()) {
} else {
Delete a Cluster
To delete a cluster:
client.clusters.delete("<Resource Group Name>", "<Cluster Name>");
Update Cluster Tags
You can update the tags of a given cluster like so:
client.clusters.update("<Resource Group Name>", "<Cluster Name>", <Map<String,String> of Tags>);
Resize Cluster
You can resize a given cluster's number of worker nodes by specifying a new size like so:
client.clusters.resize("<Resource Group Name>", "<Cluster Name>", <Num of Worker Nodes (int)>)
Cluster Monitoring
The HDInsight Management SDK can also be used to manage monitoring on your clusters via the Operations Management Suite (OMS).
Enable OMS Monitoring
To enable OMS Monitoring, you must have an existing Log Analytics workspace. If you have not already created one, you can learn how to do that here: Create a Log Analytics workspace in the Azure portal.
To enable OMS Monitoring on your cluster:
client.extensions().enableMonitoring("<Resource Group Name", "<Cluster Name>", new ClusterMonitoringRequest().withWorkspaceId("<Workspace Id>"));
View Status Of OMS Monitoring
To get the status of OMS on your cluster:
client.extensions().getMonitoringStatus("<Resource Group Name", "Cluster Name");
Disable OMS Monitoring
To disable OMS on your cluster:
client.extensions().disableMonitoring("<Resource Group Name>", "<Cluster Name>");
Script Actions
HDInsight provides a configuration method called script actions that invokes custom scripts to customize the cluster.
More information on how to use script actions can be found here: Customize Linux-based HDInsight clusters using script actions
Execute Script Actions
You can execute script actions on a given cluster like so:
RuntimeScriptAction scriptAction1 = new RuntimeScriptAction()
.withName("<Script Name>")
.withUri("<URL To Script>")
.withRoles(<List<String> of roles>);
new ExecuteScriptActionParameters().withPersistOnSuccess(false).withScriptActions(new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(scriptAction1)))); //add more RuntimeScriptActions to the list to execute multiple scripts
Delete Script Action
To delete a specified persisted script action on a given cluster:
client.scriptActions().delete("<Resource Group Name>", "<Cluster Name>", "<Script Name>");
List Persisted Script Actions
Both listByCluster()
returns a PagedList<RuntimeScriptActionDetailInner>
object. Calling currentPage().items()
returns a list of RuntimeScriptActionDetailInner
, and loadNextPage()
advances to the next page. This can be repeated until hasNextPage()
returns false
, indicating that there are no more pages.
To list all persisted script actions for the specified cluster:
client.scriptActions().listByCluster("<Resource Group Name>", "<Cluster Name>");
PagedList<RuntimeScriptActionDetailInner> scriptsPaged = client.scriptActions().listByCluster(resourceGroupName, clusterName);
while (true) {
for (RuntimeScriptActionDetailInner script : scriptsPaged.currentPage().items()) {
System.out.println(script.name()); //There are methods to get other properties of RuntimeScriptActionDetail besides name(), such as status(), operation(), startTime(), endTime(), etc. See reference documentation.
if (scriptsPaged.hasNextPage()) {
} else {
List All Scripts' Execution History
To list all scripts' execution history for the specified cluster:
client.scriptExecutionHistorys().listByCluster("<Resource Group Name>", "<Cluster Name>");
This example prints all the details for all past script executions.
PagedList<RuntimeScriptActionDetailInner> scriptExecutionsPaged = client.scriptExecutionHistorys().listByCluster(resourceGroupName, clusterName);
while (true) {
for (RuntimeScriptActionDetailInner script : scriptExecutionsPaged.currentPage().items()) {
System.out.println(script.name()); //There are methods to get other properties of RuntimeScriptActionDetail besides name(), such as status(), operation(), startTime(), endTime(), etc. See reference documentation.
if (scriptExecutionsPaged.hasNextPage()) {
} else {