Condividi tramite

Come creare una sessione indipendente

Dopo aver creato il servizio di collegamento, è necessario creare una sessione indipendente da usare.

Per creare una sessione indipendente

  1. Creare il record "Independent Sessions Connection".

  2. Verificare che la sessione sia stata creata.

  3. Definire le proprietà della nuova connessione.

    L'esempio di codice seguente illustra come creare una sessione indipendente:

Private Sub CreateIndependentSession  
    On error resume next  
'Create the Independent Sessions Connection record.  
    Set Namespace = GetObject("Winmgmts:root\MicrosoftHIS")  
'Validate that the instance was created  
    strQuery = "select * from MsSna_LinkService_IpDlc"  
    ' this is our instance  
    Set instset = Namespace.ExecQuery(strQuery)  
    if ( instset.Count<>1) Then  
        wscript.echo "No instances found for the link service query " & strQuery  
    End If  
    For each inst_ in instSet  
        Set Inst = inst_ ' This is our new instance  
    Next ' end of query workaround     
    ' define independent sessions connection  
    Set ObjClass = Namespace.Get("MsSna_ConnectionIpDlc")  
    Set IndepConn = ObjClass.SpawnInstance_  
    IndepConn.Activation = 0  
    IndepConn.Adapter = "SNAIP1"  
    IndepConn.AllowIncoming = TRUE  
    IndepConn.BackupDLUSCPName = ""  
    IndepConn.BackupDLUSNetName = ""  
    IndepConn.BlockId = "05D"  
    IndepConn.Comment = ""  
    IndepConn.CompressionLevel = 0  
    IndepConn.DLURRetryDelay = 0  
    IndepConn.DLURRetryLimit = 0  
    IndepConn.DLURRetryType = 0  
    IndepConn.DynamicLuDef = TRUE  
    IndepConn.IndepSess = TRUE  
    IndepConn.LocalControlPoint = ""  
    IndepConn.LocalNetName = ""  
    IndepConn.Name = Inst.Name  
    IndepConn.NodeId = "FFFFF"  
    IndepConn.PartnerConnectionName = ""  
    IndepConn.PeerRole = 1  
    IndepConn.PrimDLUSCPName = ""  
    IndepConn.PrimDLUSNetName = ""  
    IndepConn.RemoteAddress = ""  
    IndepConn.RemoteBlockId = ""  
    IndepConn.RemoteControlPoint = ""  
    IndepConn.RemoteEnd = 1  
    IndepConn.RemoteNetName = ""  
    IndepConn.RemoteNodeId = ""  
    IndepConn.RetryDelay = 0  
    IndepConn.RetryLimit = 0  
    IndepConn.Service = strComputerName  
    IndepConn.XIDFormat = 1  
    if Err.Number <> 0 then  
        PrintWMIErrorThenExit Err.Description, Err.Number  
    End If  
End Sub  

Vedere anche

Come creare un servizio di collegamento