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Get Outlook contacts in a shared folder

Outlook lets customers share folders with one another and provide read, create, modify, or delete access to individual contact folders. Outlook also allows a customer to delegate another user to act on the customer's behalf, and access specific folders or the customer's entire mailbox; this is also known as delegation in Outlook.

Programmatically, Microsoft Graph supports getting contacts in contact folders that have been shared by other users, as well as getting the shared folders themselves. The support also applies to folders in a delegated mailbox.

As an example, Garth has shared with John a custom contact folder and given John read access. If John has signed into your app and provided delegated permissions (Contacts.Read.Shared or Contacts.ReadWrite.Shared), your app is able to access Garth's custom contact folder and the contacts in that folder. For details, see the following sections.


The sharing permissions (Contacts.Read.Shared or Contacts.ReadWrite.Shared) allow you to read or write contacts in a shared or delegated folder. They do not support subscribing to change notifications on items in such folders. To set up change notification subscriptions on contacts in a shared, delegated, or any other user's contact folder in the tenant, use the application permission, Contacts.Read.

Get a contact in the shared folder

You can get a specific contact in the custom contact folder that Garth has shared with John:

GET users/{Garth-userId | Garth-userPrincipalName}/contactFolders/{folder-id}/contacts/{id}

On successful completion, you'll get HTTP 200 OK and the contact instance identified by {id} from Garth's shared contact folder.

Get all contacts in the shared folder

Get all the contacts in Garth's shared contact folder:

GET users/{Garth-userId | Garth-userPrincipalName}/contactFolders/{folder-id}/contacts

On successful completion, you'll get HTTP 200 OK and a collection of contact instances in Garth's shared contact folder.

Get the shared folder

Get the contact folder that Garth has shared with John.

GET users/{Garth-userId | Garth-userPrincipalName}/contactFolders/{folder-id}

On successful completion, you'll get HTTP 200 OK and a contactFolder instance that represents Garth's shared contact folder.

The same GET capabilities apply if Garth had delegated John his entire mailbox.

If Garth has not shared the contact folder with John, nor has he delegated his mailbox to John, specifying Garth's user ID or user principal name in those GET operations will return an error.

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