APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.
Update the properties of an educationOutcome object. Only teachers can perform this operation.
Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissions only if your app requires it. For details about delegated and application permissions, see Permission types. To learn more about these permissions, see the permissions reference.
In the request body, supply the values for relevant fields that should be updated. Existing properties that aren't included in the request body maintain their previous values or are recalculated based on changes to other property values. For best performance, don't include existing values that haven't changed.
The educationOutcome object will be one of the following derived types: educationPointsOutcome, educationFeedbackOutcome, or educationRubricOutcome. Supply the specific properties relevant to the type of outcome you're updating.
All derived outcome types have a regular and a "published" property appropriate to that type of outcome; for example, points and publishedPoints, feedback and publishedFeedback. Do not update the "published" property; it is for internal use. For example, to assign points to an educationPointsOutcome, update the points property, but do not update publishedPoints.
If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and an updated educationOutcome object in the response body.
If pointsGradeType and points are updated to a negative or infinite value, the method returns a 400 error message.
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-type: application/json
"error": {
"code": "badRequest",
"message": "Bad request.",
"innerError": {
"code": "invalidGrading",
"message": "Points must be less than 9999999 when using PointsGradeType."
If an invalid outcome ID is specified, a 404 Not Found error is returned.
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-type: application/json
"error": {
"code": "20241",
"message": "Entity not found. Outcome id: 05d0f76c-1dfa-4442-926c-1b094828b505"
Example 1: Update a feedback outcome
The following example shows a request to update a feedback outcome.
PATCH https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/education/classes/bf1f1963-05f6-4cba-903c-5892b4ce3bd7/assignments/db8e6b0b-dba4-4c69-81b2-9ba7313c0b7a/submissions/4bca096a-7de3-8675-5e86-2fa149923860/outcomes/ca05367a-b292-42d5-aff7-5d279feeace8
Content-type: application/json
"content":"This is feedback for the assignment as a whole.",
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 5.x
// Dependencies
using Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Models;
var requestBody = new EducationFeedbackOutcome
OdataType = "#microsoft.graph.educationFeedbackOutcome",
Feedback = new EducationFeedback
Text = new EducationItemBody
Content = "This is feedback for the assignment as a whole.",
ContentType = BodyType.Text,
// To initialize your graphClient, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/sdks/create-client?from=snippets&tabs=csharp
var result = await graphClient.Education.Classes["{educationClass-id}"].Assignments["{educationAssignment-id}"].Submissions["{educationSubmission-id}"].Outcomes["{educationOutcome-id}"].PatchAsync(requestBody);
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
mgc-beta education classes assignments submissions outcomes patch --education-class-id {educationClass-id} --education-assignment-id {educationAssignment-id} --education-submission-id {educationSubmission-id} --education-outcome-id {educationOutcome-id} --body '{\
"content":"This is feedback for the assignment as a whole.",\
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
// Code snippets are only available for the latest major version. Current major version is $v0.*
// Dependencies
import (
msgraphsdk "github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-beta-sdk-go"
graphmodels "github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-beta-sdk-go/models"
requestBody := graphmodels.NewEducationOutcome()
feedback := graphmodels.NewEducationFeedback()
text := graphmodels.NewEducationItemBody()
content := "This is feedback for the assignment as a whole."
contentType := graphmodels.TEXT_BODYTYPE
// To initialize your graphClient, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/sdks/create-client?from=snippets&tabs=go
outcomes, err := graphClient.Education().Classes().ByEducationClassId("educationClass-id").Assignments().ByEducationAssignmentId("educationAssignment-id").Submissions().ByEducationSubmissionId("educationSubmission-id").Outcomes().ByEducationOutcomeId("educationOutcome-id").Patch(context.Background(), requestBody, nil)
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 6.x
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(requestAdapter);
EducationFeedbackOutcome educationOutcome = new EducationFeedbackOutcome();
EducationFeedback feedback = new EducationFeedback();
EducationItemBody text = new EducationItemBody();
text.setContent("This is feedback for the assignment as a whole.");
EducationOutcome result = graphClient.education().classes().byEducationClassId("{educationClass-id}").assignments().byEducationAssignmentId("{educationAssignment-id}").submissions().byEducationSubmissionId("{educationSubmission-id}").outcomes().byEducationOutcomeId("{educationOutcome-id}").patch(educationOutcome);
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
const options = {
const client = Client.init(options);
const educationOutcome = {
feedback: {
text: {
content: 'This is feedback for the assignment as a whole.',
contentType: 'text'
await client.api('/education/classes/bf1f1963-05f6-4cba-903c-5892b4ce3bd7/assignments/db8e6b0b-dba4-4c69-81b2-9ba7313c0b7a/submissions/4bca096a-7de3-8675-5e86-2fa149923860/outcomes/ca05367a-b292-42d5-aff7-5d279feeace8')
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\GraphServiceClient;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\EducationFeedbackOutcome;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\EducationFeedback;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\EducationItemBody;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\BodyType;
$graphServiceClient = new GraphServiceClient($tokenRequestContext, $scopes);
$requestBody = new EducationFeedbackOutcome();
$feedback = new EducationFeedback();
$feedbackText = new EducationItemBody();
$feedbackText->setContent('This is feedback for the assignment as a whole.');
$feedbackText->setContentType(new BodyType('text'));
$result = $graphServiceClient->education()->classes()->byEducationClassId('educationClass-id')->assignments()->byEducationAssignmentId('educationAssignment-id')->submissions()->byEducationSubmissionId('educationSubmission-id')->outcomes()->byEducationOutcomeId('educationOutcome-id')->patch($requestBody)->wait();
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Education
$params = @{
"@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.educationFeedbackOutcome"
feedback = @{
text = @{
content = "This is feedback for the assignment as a whole."
contentType = "text"
Update-MgBetaEducationClassAssignmentSubmissionOutcome -EducationClassId $educationClassId -EducationAssignmentId $educationAssignmentId -EducationSubmissionId $educationSubmissionId -EducationOutcomeId $educationOutcomeId -BodyParameter $params
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
# Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 1.x
from msgraph_beta import GraphServiceClient
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.education_feedback_outcome import EducationFeedbackOutcome
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.education_feedback import EducationFeedback
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.education_item_body import EducationItemBody
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.body_type import BodyType
# To initialize your graph_client, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/sdks/create-client?from=snippets&tabs=python
request_body = EducationFeedbackOutcome(
odata_type = "#microsoft.graph.educationFeedbackOutcome",
feedback = EducationFeedback(
text = EducationItemBody(
content = "This is feedback for the assignment as a whole.",
content_type = BodyType.Text,
result = await graph_client.education.classes.by_education_class_id('educationClass-id').assignments.by_education_assignment_id('educationAssignment-id').submissions.by_education_submission_id('educationSubmission-id').outcomes.by_education_outcome_id('educationOutcome-id').patch(request_body)
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 5.x
// Dependencies
using Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Models;
var requestBody = new EducationPointsOutcome
OdataType = "#microsoft.graph.educationPointsOutcome",
Points = new EducationAssignmentPointsGrade
OdataType = "#microsoft.graph.educationAssignmentPointsGrade",
Points = 85.0f,
// To initialize your graphClient, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/sdks/create-client?from=snippets&tabs=csharp
var result = await graphClient.Education.Classes["{educationClass-id}"].Assignments["{educationAssignment-id}"].Submissions["{educationSubmission-id}"].Outcomes["{educationOutcome-id}"].PatchAsync(requestBody);
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
// Code snippets are only available for the latest major version. Current major version is $v0.*
// Dependencies
import (
msgraphsdk "github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-beta-sdk-go"
graphmodels "github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-beta-sdk-go/models"
requestBody := graphmodels.NewEducationOutcome()
points := graphmodels.NewEducationAssignmentPointsGrade()
points := float32(85.0)
// To initialize your graphClient, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/sdks/create-client?from=snippets&tabs=go
outcomes, err := graphClient.Education().Classes().ByEducationClassId("educationClass-id").Assignments().ByEducationAssignmentId("educationAssignment-id").Submissions().ByEducationSubmissionId("educationSubmission-id").Outcomes().ByEducationOutcomeId("educationOutcome-id").Patch(context.Background(), requestBody, nil)
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 6.x
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(requestAdapter);
EducationPointsOutcome educationOutcome = new EducationPointsOutcome();
EducationAssignmentPointsGrade points = new EducationAssignmentPointsGrade();
EducationOutcome result = graphClient.education().classes().byEducationClassId("{educationClass-id}").assignments().byEducationAssignmentId("{educationAssignment-id}").submissions().byEducationSubmissionId("{educationSubmission-id}").outcomes().byEducationOutcomeId("{educationOutcome-id}").patch(educationOutcome);
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\GraphServiceClient;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\EducationPointsOutcome;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\EducationAssignmentPointsGrade;
$graphServiceClient = new GraphServiceClient($tokenRequestContext, $scopes);
$requestBody = new EducationPointsOutcome();
$points = new EducationAssignmentPointsGrade();
$result = $graphServiceClient->education()->classes()->byEducationClassId('educationClass-id')->assignments()->byEducationAssignmentId('educationAssignment-id')->submissions()->byEducationSubmissionId('educationSubmission-id')->outcomes()->byEducationOutcomeId('educationOutcome-id')->patch($requestBody)->wait();
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
# Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 1.x
from msgraph_beta import GraphServiceClient
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.education_points_outcome import EducationPointsOutcome
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.education_assignment_points_grade import EducationAssignmentPointsGrade
# To initialize your graph_client, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/sdks/create-client?from=snippets&tabs=python
request_body = EducationPointsOutcome(
odata_type = "#microsoft.graph.educationPointsOutcome",
points = EducationAssignmentPointsGrade(
odata_type = "#microsoft.graph.educationAssignmentPointsGrade",
points = 85.0,
result = await graph_client.education.classes.by_education_class_id('educationClass-id').assignments.by_education_assignment_id('educationAssignment-id').submissions.by_education_submission_id('educationSubmission-id').outcomes.by_education_outcome_id('educationOutcome-id').patch(request_body)
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
PATCH https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/education/classes/{id}/assignments/{id}/submissions/{id}/outcomes/{id}
Content-type: application/json
"content":"This is feedback specific to the first quality of the rubric.",
"content":"This is feedback specific to the second quality of the rubric.",
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 5.x
// Dependencies
using Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Models;
var requestBody = new EducationRubricOutcome
OdataType = "#microsoft.graph.educationRubricOutcome",
RubricQualityFeedback = new List<RubricQualityFeedbackModel>
new RubricQualityFeedbackModel
QualityId = "9a145aa8-f3d9-43a1-8f77-5387ff0693f2",
Feedback = new EducationItemBody
Content = "This is feedback specific to the first quality of the rubric.",
ContentType = BodyType.Text,
new RubricQualityFeedbackModel
QualityId = "d2331fb2-2761-402e-8de6-93e0afaa076e",
Feedback = new EducationItemBody
Content = "This is feedback specific to the second quality of the rubric.",
ContentType = BodyType.Text,
RubricQualitySelectedLevels = new List<RubricQualitySelectedColumnModel>
new RubricQualitySelectedColumnModel
QualityId = "9a145aa8-f3d9-43a1-8f77-5387ff0693f2",
ColumnId = "4fb17a1d-5681-46c2-a295-4e305c3eae23",
new RubricQualitySelectedColumnModel
QualityId = "d2331fb2-2761-402e-8de6-93e0afaa076e",
ColumnId = "aac076bf-51ba-48c5-a2e0-ee235b0b9740",
// To initialize your graphClient, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/sdks/create-client?from=snippets&tabs=csharp
var result = await graphClient.Education.Classes["{educationClass-id}"].Assignments["{educationAssignment-id}"].Submissions["{educationSubmission-id}"].Outcomes["{educationOutcome-id}"].PatchAsync(requestBody);
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
mgc-beta education classes assignments submissions outcomes patch --education-class-id {educationClass-id} --education-assignment-id {educationAssignment-id} --education-submission-id {educationSubmission-id} --education-outcome-id {educationOutcome-id} --body '{\
"content":"This is feedback specific to the first quality of the rubric.",\
"content":"This is feedback specific to the second quality of the rubric.",\
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
// Code snippets are only available for the latest major version. Current major version is $v0.*
// Dependencies
import (
msgraphsdk "github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-beta-sdk-go"
graphmodels "github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-beta-sdk-go/models"
requestBody := graphmodels.NewEducationOutcome()
rubricQualityFeedbackModel := graphmodels.NewRubricQualityFeedbackModel()
qualityId := "9a145aa8-f3d9-43a1-8f77-5387ff0693f2"
feedback := graphmodels.NewEducationItemBody()
content := "This is feedback specific to the first quality of the rubric."
contentType := graphmodels.TEXT_BODYTYPE
rubricQualityFeedbackModel1 := graphmodels.NewRubricQualityFeedbackModel()
qualityId := "d2331fb2-2761-402e-8de6-93e0afaa076e"
feedback := graphmodels.NewEducationItemBody()
content := "This is feedback specific to the second quality of the rubric."
contentType := graphmodels.TEXT_BODYTYPE
rubricQualityFeedback := []graphmodels.RubricQualityFeedbackModelable {
rubricQualitySelectedColumnModel := graphmodels.NewRubricQualitySelectedColumnModel()
qualityId := "9a145aa8-f3d9-43a1-8f77-5387ff0693f2"
columnId := "4fb17a1d-5681-46c2-a295-4e305c3eae23"
rubricQualitySelectedColumnModel1 := graphmodels.NewRubricQualitySelectedColumnModel()
qualityId := "d2331fb2-2761-402e-8de6-93e0afaa076e"
columnId := "aac076bf-51ba-48c5-a2e0-ee235b0b9740"
rubricQualitySelectedLevels := []graphmodels.RubricQualitySelectedColumnModelable {
// To initialize your graphClient, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/sdks/create-client?from=snippets&tabs=go
outcomes, err := graphClient.Education().Classes().ByEducationClassId("educationClass-id").Assignments().ByEducationAssignmentId("educationAssignment-id").Submissions().ByEducationSubmissionId("educationSubmission-id").Outcomes().ByEducationOutcomeId("educationOutcome-id").Patch(context.Background(), requestBody, nil)
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 6.x
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(requestAdapter);
EducationRubricOutcome educationOutcome = new EducationRubricOutcome();
LinkedList<RubricQualityFeedbackModel> rubricQualityFeedback = new LinkedList<RubricQualityFeedbackModel>();
RubricQualityFeedbackModel rubricQualityFeedbackModel = new RubricQualityFeedbackModel();
EducationItemBody feedback = new EducationItemBody();
feedback.setContent("This is feedback specific to the first quality of the rubric.");
RubricQualityFeedbackModel rubricQualityFeedbackModel1 = new RubricQualityFeedbackModel();
EducationItemBody feedback1 = new EducationItemBody();
feedback1.setContent("This is feedback specific to the second quality of the rubric.");
LinkedList<RubricQualitySelectedColumnModel> rubricQualitySelectedLevels = new LinkedList<RubricQualitySelectedColumnModel>();
RubricQualitySelectedColumnModel rubricQualitySelectedColumnModel = new RubricQualitySelectedColumnModel();
RubricQualitySelectedColumnModel rubricQualitySelectedColumnModel1 = new RubricQualitySelectedColumnModel();
EducationOutcome result = graphClient.education().classes().byEducationClassId("{educationClass-id}").assignments().byEducationAssignmentId("{educationAssignment-id}").submissions().byEducationSubmissionId("{educationSubmission-id}").outcomes().byEducationOutcomeId("{educationOutcome-id}").patch(educationOutcome);
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
const options = {
const client = Client.init(options);
const educationOutcome = {
rubricQualityFeedback: [
qualityId: '9a145aa8-f3d9-43a1-8f77-5387ff0693f2',
feedback: {
content: 'This is feedback specific to the first quality of the rubric.',
contentType: 'text'
qualityId: 'd2331fb2-2761-402e-8de6-93e0afaa076e',
feedback: {
content: 'This is feedback specific to the second quality of the rubric.',
contentType: 'text'
rubricQualitySelectedLevels: [
qualityId: '9a145aa8-f3d9-43a1-8f77-5387ff0693f2',
columnId: '4fb17a1d-5681-46c2-a295-4e305c3eae23'
qualityId: 'd2331fb2-2761-402e-8de6-93e0afaa076e',
columnId: 'aac076bf-51ba-48c5-a2e0-ee235b0b9740'
await client.api('/education/classes/{id}/assignments/{id}/submissions/{id}/outcomes/{id}')
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\GraphServiceClient;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\EducationRubricOutcome;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\RubricQualityFeedbackModel;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\EducationItemBody;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\BodyType;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\RubricQualitySelectedColumnModel;
$graphServiceClient = new GraphServiceClient($tokenRequestContext, $scopes);
$requestBody = new EducationRubricOutcome();
$rubricQualityFeedbackRubricQualityFeedbackModel1 = new RubricQualityFeedbackModel();
$rubricQualityFeedbackRubricQualityFeedbackModel1Feedback = new EducationItemBody();
$rubricQualityFeedbackRubricQualityFeedbackModel1Feedback->setContent('This is feedback specific to the first quality of the rubric.');
$rubricQualityFeedbackRubricQualityFeedbackModel1Feedback->setContentType(new BodyType('text'));
$rubricQualityFeedbackArray []= $rubricQualityFeedbackRubricQualityFeedbackModel1;
$rubricQualityFeedbackRubricQualityFeedbackModel2 = new RubricQualityFeedbackModel();
$rubricQualityFeedbackRubricQualityFeedbackModel2Feedback = new EducationItemBody();
$rubricQualityFeedbackRubricQualityFeedbackModel2Feedback->setContent('This is feedback specific to the second quality of the rubric.');
$rubricQualityFeedbackRubricQualityFeedbackModel2Feedback->setContentType(new BodyType('text'));
$rubricQualityFeedbackArray []= $rubricQualityFeedbackRubricQualityFeedbackModel2;
$rubricQualitySelectedLevelsRubricQualitySelectedColumnModel1 = new RubricQualitySelectedColumnModel();
$rubricQualitySelectedLevelsArray []= $rubricQualitySelectedLevelsRubricQualitySelectedColumnModel1;
$rubricQualitySelectedLevelsRubricQualitySelectedColumnModel2 = new RubricQualitySelectedColumnModel();
$rubricQualitySelectedLevelsArray []= $rubricQualitySelectedLevelsRubricQualitySelectedColumnModel2;
$result = $graphServiceClient->education()->classes()->byEducationClassId('educationClass-id')->assignments()->byEducationAssignmentId('educationAssignment-id')->submissions()->byEducationSubmissionId('educationSubmission-id')->outcomes()->byEducationOutcomeId('educationOutcome-id')->patch($requestBody)->wait();
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Education
$params = @{
"@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.educationRubricOutcome"
rubricQualityFeedback = @(
qualityId = "9a145aa8-f3d9-43a1-8f77-5387ff0693f2"
feedback = @{
content = "This is feedback specific to the first quality of the rubric."
contentType = "text"
qualityId = "d2331fb2-2761-402e-8de6-93e0afaa076e"
feedback = @{
content = "This is feedback specific to the second quality of the rubric."
contentType = "text"
rubricQualitySelectedLevels = @(
qualityId = "9a145aa8-f3d9-43a1-8f77-5387ff0693f2"
columnId = "4fb17a1d-5681-46c2-a295-4e305c3eae23"
qualityId = "d2331fb2-2761-402e-8de6-93e0afaa076e"
columnId = "aac076bf-51ba-48c5-a2e0-ee235b0b9740"
Update-MgBetaEducationClassAssignmentSubmissionOutcome -EducationClassId $educationClassId -EducationAssignmentId $educationAssignmentId -EducationSubmissionId $educationSubmissionId -EducationOutcomeId $educationOutcomeId -BodyParameter $params
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
# Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 1.x
from msgraph_beta import GraphServiceClient
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.education_rubric_outcome import EducationRubricOutcome
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.rubric_quality_feedback_model import RubricQualityFeedbackModel
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.education_item_body import EducationItemBody
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.body_type import BodyType
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.rubric_quality_selected_column_model import RubricQualitySelectedColumnModel
# To initialize your graph_client, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/sdks/create-client?from=snippets&tabs=python
request_body = EducationRubricOutcome(
odata_type = "#microsoft.graph.educationRubricOutcome",
rubric_quality_feedback = [
quality_id = "9a145aa8-f3d9-43a1-8f77-5387ff0693f2",
feedback = EducationItemBody(
content = "This is feedback specific to the first quality of the rubric.",
content_type = BodyType.Text,
quality_id = "d2331fb2-2761-402e-8de6-93e0afaa076e",
feedback = EducationItemBody(
content = "This is feedback specific to the second quality of the rubric.",
content_type = BodyType.Text,
rubric_quality_selected_levels = [
quality_id = "9a145aa8-f3d9-43a1-8f77-5387ff0693f2",
column_id = "4fb17a1d-5681-46c2-a295-4e305c3eae23",
quality_id = "d2331fb2-2761-402e-8de6-93e0afaa076e",
column_id = "aac076bf-51ba-48c5-a2e0-ee235b0b9740",
result = await graph_client.education.classes.by_education_class_id('educationClass-id').assignments.by_education_assignment_id('educationAssignment-id').submissions.by_education_submission_id('educationSubmission-id').outcomes.by_education_outcome_id('educationOutcome-id').patch(request_body)
Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and do not support all the types, properties, and APIs available in the beta version. For details about accessing the beta API with the SDK, see Use the Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API.
Note: The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.educationRubricOutcome",
"id": "65a46d78-1a2b-4a7e-bcf8-78a22ac2611b",
"rubricQualityFeedback": [
"qualityId": "9a145aa8-f3d9-43a1-8f77-5387ff0693f2",
"feedback": {
"content": "This is feedback specific to the first quality of the rubric.",
"contentType": "text"
"qualityId": "d2331fb2-2761-402e-8de6-93e0afaa076e",
"feedback": {
"content": "This is feedback specific to the second quality of the rubric.",
"contentType": "text"
"rubricQualitySelectedLevels": [
"qualityId": "9a145aa8-f3d9-43a1-8f77-5387ff0693f2",
"columnId": "4fb17a1d-5681-46c2-a295-4e305c3eae23"
"qualityId": "d2331fb2-2761-402e-8de6-93e0afaa076e",
"columnId": "aac076bf-51ba-48c5-a2e0-ee235b0b9740"