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Party samples

This topic lists all the Azure PlayFab Party samples that are currently available.

If there's a specific sample that you'd like to have, let us know by writing a post on our forums.

Access to samples for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation®4, PlayStation®5, PC (GDK), and Xbox (GDK) requires special approval and adherence to platform policies. For more information, see Request access for SDKs and samples.

"PlayStation" is a registered trademark or trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.

List of samples

Sample Description Platform/operating system
Chat app Demonstrates Party chat usage with full speech-to-text and text-to-speech capabilities. Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Android, iOS, Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Bumble Rumble Demonstrates usage of Party networking, matchmaking, and accessible voice chat—full speech-to-text and text-to-speech capabilities. It doesn't include Xbox Live requirements and game invites. Windows 10, Windows 8.1
NetRumble Demonstrates how to use Party, Party Xbox Live Helper Library, and Xbox Services API's (XSAPI) Multiplayer Manager (MPM) together, meeting Xbox Live requirements. It also shows how to send game invites and join a session. PC and Xbox (GDK)

See also