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Lobby SDK Quickstart

This article describes how to set up the development environment for Azure PlayFab Lobby and create your first lobby using the PlayFab Multiplayer C/C++ SDK.


The PlayFab Multiplayer SDK also provides APIs for PlayFab Matchmaking.


You need a PlayFab account to use PlayFab Lobbies. For instructions to create an account, see Quickstart: Game Manager.

Download and set up the PlayFab Multiplayer SDK

Download the C/C++ SDK for your platform and integrate the provider header and library files into your build.


This quick start focuses on using the C/C++ SDK. For Unity and Unreal interfaces, see the following articles:

Log in a PlayFab entity

To use the PlayFab Lobby SDK, you need to authenticate your client using PlayFab entity keys and entity tokens. Acquire a PlayFab entity key and token pair by logging in with LoginWithCustomId REST API. This API is also available as a C/C++ projection via the PlayFab REST SDK.


LoginWithCustomId is a quick way to get started with PlayFab features but is not intended to be the login mechanism you ship with. For login guidance, see Login basics and best practices.

Initialize the PlayFab Multiplayer SDK

Initialize the PlayFab Multiplayer SDK by following these basic steps:

  1. Initialize the SDK by calling PFMultiplayerInitialize
  2. Set the entity key and token used by the library on behalf of your players by calling PFMultiplayerSetEntityToken.
static PFMultiplayerHandle g_pfmHandle = nullptr;

// Initialize the PFMultiplayer library.
hr = PFMultiplayerInitialize(titleId, &g_pfmHandle);
if (FAILED(hr))
    // handle initialize failure
    printf("PFMultiplayerInitialize failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(hr));
    return hr;

// Set an entity token for a local user. The token is used to authenticate PlayFab operations on behalf of this user. 
// Tokens can expire, and this API token should be called again when this token is refreshed.
hr = PFMultiplayerSetEntityToken(g_pfmHandle, localUserEntity, entityToken);
if (FAILED(hr))
    // handle set entity token failure
    printf("PFMultiplayerSetEntityToken failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(hr));
    return hr;

Create a lobby

Finally, we'll create a lobby by following these basic steps:

  1. Call PFMultiplayerCreateAndJoinLobby
  2. Check for asynchronous completion by periodically polling PFMultiplayerStartProcessingLobbyStateChanges for a PFLobbyCreateAndJoinLobbyCompletedStateChange.
PFLobbyCreateConfiguration lobbyConfiguration{};
lobbyConfiguration.maxMemberCount = 16;
lobbyConfiguration.ownerMigrationPolicy = PFLobbyOwnerMigrationPolicy::Automatic;
lobbyConfiguration.accessPolicy = PFLobbyAccessPolicy::Public;

PFLobbyJoinConfiguration memberConfiguration{};

PFLobbyHandle lobby;
HRESULT hr = PFMultiplayerCreateAndJoinLobby(g_pfmHandle, localUserEntity, &lobbyConfiguration, &memberConfiguration, nullptr, &lobby);
if (FAILED(hr))
    // handle immediate create failure
    printf("PFMultiplayerCreateAndJoinLobby failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(hr));
    return hr;

// NOTE: to simplify this quickstart, we'll synchronously block waiting waiting for the CreateAndJoinLobby operation
// to finish. In a real implementation, this polling would be done asynchronously on a background thread/worker.
bool createAndJoinLobbyFinished = false;
while (!createAndJoinLobbyFinished)
    uint32_t lobbyStateChangeCount;
    const PFLobbyStateChange * const * lobbyStateChanges;
    HRESULT hr = PFMultiplayerStartProcessingLobbyStateChanges(m_pfmHandle, &lobbyStateChangeCount, &lobbyStateChanges);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        // handle the failure
        printf("PFMultiplayerStartProcessingLobbyStateChanges failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(hr));
        return hr;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lobbyStateChangeCount; ++i)
        const PFLobbyStateChange* stateChange = lobbyStateChanges[i];
        switch (stateChange->stateChangeType)
            case PFLobbyStateChangeType::CreateAndJoinLobbyCompleted:
                auto createAndJoinStateChange = 
                    static_cast<const PFLobbyCreateAndJoinLobbyCompletedStateChange*>(stateChange);

                if (SUCCEEDED(createAndJoinStateChange->result))
                    // lobby successfully created!
                    printf("Lobby 0x%p successfully created!\n", createAndJoinStateChange->lobby);
                    // report asynchronous failure
                    printf("Failed to create lobby 0x%p! %s\n",
                createAndJoinLobbyFinished = true;

    hr = PFMultiplayerFinishProcessingLobbyStateChanges(m_pfmHandle, lobbyStateChangeCount, lobbyStateChanges);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        printf("PFMultiplayerFinishProcessingLobbyStateChanges failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(hr));
        return hr;

For more information on creating lobbies, see Create a Lobby.

For more information on processing asynchronous operations, see Asynchronous operations and notifications.

Next steps

See also